She did as he asked, and listened to their conversation, but remained concerned about Nagato's condition. Like Nagato, also she also regained her high regard for Jiraiya because prior to her fight with Tobi, she reminisced about her time with Jiraiya. Ils commencèrent à se faire connaître et Hanzô, le chef d'Ame, commença même à les craindre.
Konan had short, straight blue hair with a bun, grey eyes (amber in the anime) with lavender eye shadow, and a As a child, Konan was seen wearing an array of simple clothing. It was also decided that report on each participant's performance would be sent to their respective village leader for them to decide if they would be promoted. She also expressed a great deal of loyalty and courtesy to Pain, doing his bidding without question, looking out for his well-being and always having complete faith in his abilities. She has worn a large light blue paper flower in her hair since she was a child. Elle se trouve avec Pain à Ame quand Tobi leur donne l'ordre de partir capturer Kyûbi. Elle est présente quand celui-ci vient voir Nagato. During her childhood, she was a bright, compassionate and relatively cheerful little girl, in comparison to Yahiko's tough attitude and Nagato's sensitivity. Cette technique échoua lorsque Tobi eut recours à Izanagi en échange de son Sharingan gauche.
However, the traumatic events since then have led her to become a very serious person, and she never spoke during Akatsuki meetings. Il réussit, malgré sa mauvaise mobilité, à massacrer tout les ninjas présents sauf Danzô et Hanzô. Soon after, Konan accompanied With Nagato's death, Konan became the new leader of the Hidden Rain Village. See more ideas about Konan, Akatsuki, Naruto. Elle perd ses parents durant son enfance, tués dans une guerre que mène le pays de la Pluie, et a vécu en compagnie de deux autres orphelins du nom de Quand ils purent se débrouiller seuls, ils formèrent Akatsuki et de nombreux ninjas cherchant la paix pour le Pays de la Pluie les rejoignirent. She also expressed a great deal of loyalty and courtesy to Pain, doing his bidding without question, looking out for his well-being and always having complete faith in his abilities. Elle l'affronta et tenta d'abord de se suicider dans une explosion pendant qu'il l'absorbait. When Naruto later found their location, she attempted to keep him from Nagato, but Nagato told her to step aside. Il transperça Konan avec un pieu avant de l'étrangler et utilisa une illusion pour la forcer à révéler l'emplacement du Rinnegan. Konan possède la capacité unique de la technique du papier de l'ange. In the anime, growing up as an orphan that lived on the streets and stole for a living, he was beaten for it. est le chapitre 363 du manga Naruto. Il décida donc de tuer les trois membres à la tête de l'Akatsuki avec l'aide de Danzô Shimura et en échange, il fera une guerre contre Konoha pour mettre Danzô au pouvoir.
Left alone in the world, they, along with Nagato, were forced to steal food from others to survive. seus próprios Pins no Pinterest. She wrapped Nagato and the Tobi infiltrates Amegakure and is immediately confronted by Konan.
Encontre (e salve!) Devant l'hésitation de son ami, Yahiko chercha à attaquer Nagato pour que, d'instinct, il le tue.
She wears the Akatsuki cloak and her Akatsuki ring on her right middle finger, the kanji on her ring means Konan was a stoic, calm and level-headed woman (much like her partner, Nagato).
I would say this has a direct correlation to the dance of the shinigami, being that she relied on that ability quite often and I would say t... À la suite de la mort de son ami Nagato, elle devient le leader du village d'Ame.
!, Sasuke no Shi…!!)
Konan and Yahiko were orphans together during the Second Shinobi World War.