Using the new HTML5 formaction attribute on the button element:
The downsides of using this approach are the same as above with an addition that it's HTML5-specific so support for old browsers might be poor. Buttons. The buttons of HTML are generally used to submit data to the web server, for navigation from one record to other etc. Tip: Buttons are often styled with CSS: Try it » "" To understand how and why, let's first get into the difference between anchors and buttons.When navigating with a keyboard, the anchor element can be “clicked” by pressing the Because no link is related to the element, only the default user-action pseudo-classes (When navigating with a keyboard, the button element can be “clicked” by pressing either the First, let me re-iterate the point that if your HTML looks like this ...Although we have done right by screen reader users by using semantic markup, we have neglected users who can't/don't enable JavaScript by putting a critical user interaction behind this wall.A common solution to the problem with the button element is to use the anchor element instead, but modify it in two ways -For example, the anchor-button will look like this -This way, if a user does not have JavaScript enabled they can still access the contents of the modal further down the page. In unserem Praxistipp lesen Sie, wie das genau funktioniert. Datum: 22.11.2018. Different browsers use different default types for the