With your feet on the air and your head on the ground Try this trick and spin it, yeah Your head will collapse if there's nothing in it And you'll ask yourself Where is my mind? Stop! Oooooh Stop Avec tes pieds en l'air et ta tête sur le sol Essaye ce tour et fais-le tourner, ouais Ta tête s'effondrera Mais il n'y a rien dedans Et tu te demanderas Where is my mind (x3) Ooooh With your feet in the air and your head on the ground Ooooh Try this trick and spin it, yeah Ooooh Ooooh Traduction Where is my mind ? Where is my mind? Where is my mind? Le 18 octobre 2003, lors de leur passage à Paris-Bercy durant la tournée de Soulmates Never Die, Frank Black a rejoint Placebo sur scène pour interpréter Where is my mind. - Pixies. Where is my mind? Where is my mind? Way out in the water See it swimming With your feet on the air And your head on the ground Try this trick and spin it, yeah Your head will collapse But there's nothing in it And you'll ask yourself Where is my mind? Paroles de chanson Nada Surf - Where Is My Mind traduction, lyrics, video. Et dans mon esprit, dans ma tête Paroles de chansons et traductions en vogue:
And in my mind, in my head This is where we all came from The dreams we have, the love we share This is why we're waiting for And in my mind, in my head This is where we all came from The dreams we have, the love we share This is why we're waiting for Traduction In My Mind - Dynoro.
Where Is My Mind (Où ai-je la tête) Oooooh Oooooh Stop Stop [Chorus] [Refrain] With your feet in the air and your head on the ground Avec tes pieds en l'air et ta tête sur le sol Try this trick and spin it, yeah Essaye ce tour et fais-le tourner, ouais Your head will collapse Ta tête s'effondrera But there's nothing in it Mais il n'y a rien dedans And you'll ask yourself Et tu te demanderas
Where is my mind? Le top 10 des paroles, traductions et chansons de Nada Surf: Traduction de « Where Is My Mind? En savoir plus sur Where Is My Mind Where is my mind est une chanson des Pixies, sortie en 1988 sur leur premier album, Surfer Rosa.
Where is my mind? Quitte à faire une trad bis, autant se lâcher :). Way out in the water, see it swimming I was swimming in the Caribbean Animals were hiding behind the rock With your feet in the air and your head on the groundYour head would collapse but there's nothing in it, so you ask your selfVotre tête allait s'effondrer mais il n'y a rien dedans, de sorte que vous demandez à votre autoWith your feet in the air and your head on the groundYour head would collapse but there's nothing in it, so you ask your selfVotre tête allait s'effondrer mais il n'y a rien dedans, de sorte que vous demandez à votre auto » par Pixies, anglais → français. Paroles de chanson Yoav - Where Is My Mind (Pixies cover) traduction, lyrics, video. Where is my mind? Where is my mind?