These popular series will build your vocabulary, teach you different accents and much more.
If you get really hooked (attached) to learning English with TV, you can With each video, you can click on the captions to get an instant definition for any word. What they uncover is truly terrifying.“Stranger Things” has been a massive success in the U.S. If you love science fiction, it’s your first choice!This is a great TV series about 2 British writers who came to Hollywood. Some students say it’s difficult to understand, but some find it not hard at all. Linguists say that you get much better learning results when you like what you are doing. You will also hear that word pronounced in a native accent. I hope it will be helpfull to me.Thanks for shearing…it’s really useful…I will definitely try it.Well, Friends is the choice, obviously… HIMYM, BigBang sure… British sitcoms are superb, but full of strange (fun and hilarious, though) accents.
They are easier to understand than others if you just start practising natural English.If you are an Elementary or Intermediate English learner without everyday contact with English, First of all, they are fun! Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. I gonna watch these two web series to improve my English.Thank you so much Daria Storozhilova for all these….I want to start learning by series right now. Is it a good idea to improve your English watching TV series? You will hear both British and American accents of English which is great for your If you like time travel and history at the same time, this will be a great choice for you.
It could look a bit antique, but it is really not difficult and very often funny. Learn English from the TV shows all Americans are watching! I hope will have a good result.Hi DARIA , actually i am reading a book in english the tittle is « the bookshop of the broken hearted » for me,it’s a way to learn And speak better in english .Hi, thank you for the comment. I don’t think if I start watching any series using informal language will add up to my professional speaking skill.However, I am intrested in watching “Izombie” .
Of course! After you watch a video, FluentU provides exercises and flashcards to make sure you remember what you have just learned!Meanwhile, a girl who was kept captive in a government facility (named “Eleven”), has escaped.
We just started watching it, and the dialogues are not too fast at the most part. As you will see later in this article, popular TV shows take place all over America.
It’s a story of 4 friends living in London and teaching their Spanish-speaking friend English. If you like a good quality life story, you will like this one too. The show is full of blood and violence and has gained a large following in the English-speaking world.June Osborne is one such handmaid who joins the rebellion against the government.The series explores the social, psychological and political aspects of our current world. Interestingly, many incidents in the show are based on real life incidents.Naturally all the characters belong to different times and regions and the actors do an impressive job of speaking English that is appropriate to the context.
This one, Futurama, is ok. But they can make things confusing, so this show is best for intermediate level English learners.The internet community is crazy about this show and there are thousands of “Rick and Morty” memes (a funny image with text) floating around online.The show often includes flashbacks (views into the past). It seems like some supernatural experiments have given her mental powers.Mike, Lucas and Dustin are Will’s best friends.
So, Thanks a ton in informal way I guess.Thanx for recommendation already I’m watching Big Bang theory but here you told me many series to improve English for that thank u very much ?Thank you very much indeed! I found this TV series understandable because the stories are not too complicated and the actors speak well.It is another untypical police drama. They are created with learners in mind: not too difficult but good to make a start.But if you are up for a big game, here are the stories in English which are not too difficult to understand:Contrary to the common opinion, cartoons are not always easy to understand in English. These flashbacks sometimes explain how the various women ended up in jail.This series explores the dangers of technology and what happens to human beings when they are no longer in control.It provides a nice way to contrast and understand the different types of English. However, this show is Rick joins a group of survivors and becomes their leader. There are tons of real-life situations and dialogues, especially if you are interested in the informal conversational style. They also love how the show uses the science fiction and horror genres.It explores gay marriage, interracial marriage, adoption, sibling rivalry and romance between people who belong to different generations. Personally, I skip the scientific lingo and if you don’t worry about it, you will find that it’s pretty simple to understand the everyday talks between the main heroes (except for Sheldon, of course). I am afraid I can’t help here – I don’t teach children.Hey hi Daria Storozhilova, I am actually landed on this page accidentally.
The dialogues are simple, teach you a lot of everyday phrases.