(2007)support the view that storm intensity has increased and this willcontinue with global warming. Hurricane Katrina and coastal ecosystem services in the Mississippi deltalines on index map of Louisiana show tracks of Hurricane Katrina on right and Hurricane Rita on left. Assuming widespread protection, investment is diverted from other uses. Vous pouvez à tout moment utiliser le lien de désabonnement intégré dans la newsletter. La boum - Rocky Kwaterner : Une famille paisible, les Tikka, voit son quotidien perturbé à l'arrivée de Rocky, un enfant Cro-Magnon qui doit apprendre à vivre au XXIe siècle. 249.2M . ), seeprec. Plantation forests (mainly likely to experience growth reductions under projected rainfalldecreases (Ministry for the Environment, 2001). Other variables – alteredbiogeochemistry, altered amounts and pattern of suspendedsediments loading, fire, oxidation of organic sediments, and thephysical effects of wave energy – may also play important rolesSea-level rise does not necessarily lead to loss of saltmarshareas, especially where there are significant tides, because thesemarshes accrete vertically and maintain their elevation relativeto sea level where the supply of sediment is sufficient (Hughes,2004; Cahoon et al., 2006). 2000. Thecapacity of coastal systems to regenerate after disasters, and tocontinue to produce resources and services for humanlivelihoods and well-being, is being tested with increasingof coastal systems at broader scales and for their adaptiveThose involved in managing coastal systems have manypractical options for simultaneously reducing risks related tocurrent climate extremes and variability as well as adapting tothe fact that many disaster and climate change responsestrategies are the same as those which contribute positively topresent-day efforts to implement sustainable development,including enhancement of social equity, sound environmentalThis will help harmonise coastal planning and climate changeadaptation and, in turn, strengthen the anticipatory responsecapacity of institutions (Few et al., 2004a). The widelycited Bruun (1962) model suggests that shoreline recession is inthe range 50 to 200 times the rise in relative sea level. (Figure source: U.S. Geological Survey, modified from Barras, 2006. Pour toute personne intéressée à en minimisant le temps passé à rechercher pour une diffusion perdue, une rediffusion ou un programme, mais ne comprennent regarder en conséquence. Ocean acidification isa concern, but impacts are uncertain (Royal Society, 2005).Climate change also has implications for mariculture but againClimate change and sea-level rise affect coastal settlementsand infrastructure in several ways (Table 6.4). The degradation of natural coastal systems due toclimate change, such as wetlands, beaches and barrier islands(Section, removes the natural defences of coastalcommunities against extreme water levels during storms (Box6.5).
ICZM focuses on integrating and balancing multipleobjectives in the planning process (Christie et al., 2005).benefits is a key factor in ICZM process sustainabilitydifficult to achieve. Increasedfreshwater inflows decrease water residence time and increasevertical stratification, and vice versa (Moore et al., 1997).
© 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. For example, Heinz Center (2000) showed thatfamily roles and responsibilities after a disastrous coastal stormundergo profound changes associated with household andemployment disruption, economic hardship, poor livingconditions, and the disruption of pubic services such aseducation and preventive health care. However, for mid-over the past few decades comes from high and low latitudes,There is evidence for a series of adverse impacts on polarcoasts, although warmer conditions in high latitudes can havepositive effects, such as longer tourist seasons and improvednavigability (see Chapter 15, Section Bibliogr.