Subscription will auto renew annually.Beamish, R. J., 1974. Nature 278: 542–544.Hurley, D. A. In D. Drablos & A. Tollan (eds), Acid Precipitation — Effects on Forest and Fish. Teratogenesis in lake trout (Kennedy, W. A., 1953. Influence des précipitations acides sur les populations d'ombles de fontaine (Moreau, G., C. Barbeau, J. J. Frenette, F. Levesque, J. St-Onge & M. Simoneau, 1984b.
44: 133–159.Département de biologie, Université Laval, G1K, 7P4, Québec, Québec, CanadaYou can also search for this author in Relationships of fish yield to lake phytoplankton standing crop, production and morphoedaphic factors, J. Age scalaire et otolithique de l'omble de fontaine (Mann, R. H. K. & C. A. Langtidseksponering av fish til surt vann. The effects of depressed pH on oogenesis in flagfish Ruby, S. M., J. Aczel & G. R. Craig, 1978. Canada as a consequence of atmospheric fallout of acid. Stratégie de reproduction chez les populations nordiques de Grand corégones (Moreau, G., C. Barbeau, J. J. Frenette, F. Levesque, J. St-Onge & M. Simoneau, 1984a. Soc., Bethesda, Maryland: 227–242.Healey, M. C., 1975. Env. am. Influence du niveau d'acidité des milieux lacustres sur la faune ichtyologique de la région de Portneuf, Québec. 32: 427–448.Healey, M. C., 1980. The effects of depressed pH on flagfish reproduction, growth and survival. Bd Can. Fish. Physiological responses to acid water in fish. 44: 207–217.Richard, Y., 1982. Soc. Influence de l'acidification sur la survie et le développement des oeufs et des alevins vésiculés d'Omble de fontaine Le Cren, E. D., 1947. Wat. Soc. Ambio 1: 223–225.Johansson, N., P. Runn & G. Milbrink, 1977. L'omble de fontaine! Histopathological and electron microscopic studies of gills of the brook trout, Craig, G. R. & W. F. Baksi, 1977. Res. Fish. A population study of the brook trout, McFarlane, G. & W. Franzin, 1978. The group of lakes showing signs of anthropogenic acidification, according to Henriksen's model and the bicarbonate/sulphate ratio, had a pH of 5.5 and lower. Chronic effects of low pH of fathead minnow survival, growth and reproduction. Low pH levels wipe out Salmon and Trout populations in southernmost Norway. Mills, 1979. Physiological observations on developing rainbow trout, Oglesby, R. T., 1977. Validité de la lecture des otolithes comparée à celle de la lecture des écailles pour la détermination de l'âge de l'omble de fontaine (Dutil, J. D., 1982. Soc. Min. Dynamics of exploited whitefish populations and their management with special reference to the Northwest Territories. The determination of the age and growth of the perch (Lee, R. M. & S. D. Gerking, 1980. Empirical predictions of fish yields of large north american lakes. Elevated heavy metals: a stress on a population of white suckers, Menendez, R., 1976. Acid precipitation: effects on fish.
Periodic changes in the condition of the Arctic char (Gunn, J. M. & W. Keller, 1984. The effects of depressed pH on spermatogenesis in flagfish Ryan, P. M. & H. H. Harvey, 1977. RÉSUMÉ Nous avons entrepris de faire un bilan de l’exploitation de l’omble de fontaine (Salvelinus fontinalis) au cours des 20 dernières années dans la région de la Capitale-Nationale.
2) Localiser les zones potentielles de reproduction des ombles de fontaine. Zinc, manganese and strontium in opercula and scales of brook trout (Moreau, G. & D. Planas, 1985. Situation de l’omble de fontaine, région de la Capitale-Nationale iii. L' Omble de Fontaine ou Saumon de Fontaine est un poisson importé d'Amérique du Nord, le terme omble de fontaine est une appellation créée en France où ce poisson a d'abord été élevé en piscicultures où fontaine. In T. A. Haines & R. E. Johnson (eds), Acid Rain/Fisheries. Studies on freshwater fish populations — effects of acidification on reproduction, population structure, growth and food selection. Trans.