Stop saying such stupid stuff like 'insolent fool'. Read Final boss. "Naruto moved his hand in a talking motion as he spoke.Naruto stopped with the hand motion to create six shadow clones. Maybe one day..."Kyuseishu chuckled wickedly. You three go. "Four of his clones ran ahead of him as they charged at Kyuseishu.He gritted his teeth. "The beast growled loudly and charged straight at Naruto once more.Naruto got in a battle-ready stance as the gulfskin approached him rapidly.Korra watched at a distance, as Naruto ducked down slightly, and as Kyuseishu passed over him in blind rage, Naruto pushed upward from the bottom, and ended up flipping the creature onto his back.Naruto breathed heavily after that close call. 'What can I do to help?' "You are too slow! He began to run toward the battle, but instead of following him, Ikki and Meelo just flew up into the air and went ahead of him.Bolin sighed. "Naruto grimaced as this giant creature was very tough to hold back. And a little farther he could see Bolin too.He looked back at Kyuseishu. The Legend Of Korra: After the spirit portals have been opened, spirits now roam throughout the world. It just makes you sound like a b*st*rd!

All rights go to respective owners. "I'll stay with her. "Bolin looked at Tenzin. "Maybe not me alone. I shall teach you how to be right now!

Your lifetime shall not exceed this day! My skin is tougher than iron! "Your sage mode gives you that kind of physical strength?! My teeth are sharper then ten thousand swords in one! "We'll see how tough your skin is after this! 'Kyuseishu rose up to his feet.

"Naruto gritted his teeth roughly as he tried to think of ways to outdo this fat idiot.He turned in time to see Korra, as well as Ikki and Meelo coming toward him. Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 – Final Boss Fight Naruto vs. Sasuke & Game Ending (S Rank) February 4, 2016 by PowerPyx 1 Comment The video above shows the Naruto vs. Sasuke Final Boss Fight and the Game Ending. 'I almost was run over by him just now.' "Tenzin looked at his two younger children, then at Jinora. "I'm not here to talk. DarkPlayer GamingTV 3,053,408 views 20:09

"You are disrespectful! The video above shows the Naruto vs. Sasuke Final Boss Fight and the Game Ending.Completing the last chapter with S Rank unlocks “The Last Man Standing” trophy / achievement. humor, legendofkorra, adventure. S Ranks are all based on how much health you have left at the end of the battle and how many stars you get during QTEs. "Naruto raised his hand. I will help him win.

The rest is just cutscenes and the game ending. Sasuke explains that based on Itachi's life, he's come to the conclusion that a true Hokage is one who shoulders the hatred of others. (Part 7) from the story Naruto/Korra crossover by LeafeonPower (Indeed...) with 523 reads. "Bolin nodded. I'll get that out of the way right off so I'm not attacked by copyright. I'm here to fight, so if you're not a wienee, come fight me! Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 1080p Final Boss 9 Pain Rank S | Naruto Sennin vs Pain Factor Secreto - Duration: 20:09. "Naruto held up his right hand as his clones helped him forma  rasenshuriken above his head. I do not own the soundtrack for these games. I've got to engage in battle as well. He thought. Naruto Shippuden: After the battle with Pein, Naruto is in his reco...The iconic orange rim suddenly appeared around the top of Naruto's eyes as he entered sage mode.He raised both hands over his chest and as Kyuseishu slammed into him, he pushed back and amazingly was able to stop him in his tracks.Korra gasped. But, looks like you're going to have five of us pests to deal with in a second!" I will never let you catch me you pest! One tried to slide under Kyuseishu, but he stepped on him, and caused him to disappear.The other attempted to jump over and stab him from behind, but as soon as he jumped over and landed on the other side, Kyuseishu backhanded him into a puff of smoke.Naruto threw his rasenshuriken at the gulfskin; hoping it was fast enough to catch him.He dodged it however, and it smashed into the ground with a large explosion of white.Korra stood up.

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