What if I let Pitou Round 2 Recover all her aura, I mean all of it not just from kite but from all of the soldier puppets etc. Summary. As if Adult Gon needed speed to beat the crap out of Pitou.Honestly it would end up the same way. Gon gave up his life with the contract and that led to him being able to gain so much power so quickly. I don't think she would even have the will to fight him. Giving up something to nen give back to you. What if I let Pitou Round 2 Recover all her aura, I mean all of it not just from kite but from all of the soldier puppets etc. Neferpitou (ネフェルピトー, Neferupitō), nicknamed Pitou (ピトー, Pitō), was a cat-humanoid Chimera Ant and the firstborn of the Chimera Ant King's three Royal Guards. Giving up something to nen give back to you. Comme l'un des trois membres de la Garde royale, Neferupitô est l'un des plus puissants Kimera Ants vivants, et l'un des personnages les plus forts de la série.
It was less his emotions, more so the nen contract he wrote. 1. Killua's strongest known technique, known as Godspeed, wasn't enough to inflict any serious damage to Youpi, which says a lot about how he compares to Neferpitou. Sin embargo, la lealtad de Neferpitou y devoción al Rey fue tan grande que incluso después de su muerte, el Nen de Neferpitou aún permanecía; su Terpsichora, incluso más fuerte que antes, manipuló el cadáver y atacó a Gon. Outre son aspect félin, Pitô est un chat Chimera Ant qui aime jouer avec ses adversaires comme un chat le ferait avec sa proie. 1 Aussehen 2 Persönlichkeit 3 Hintergrund 4 Mehrdeutiges Geschlecht 5 Fähigkeiten und Kräfte 5.1 Nen 5.2 Neferpitous Nen Art 5.2.1 Spezialisierung 6 Kämpfe 7 Quelle Neferpitou hat das Aussehen … Non seulement il a battu et tué Kaito tout en ne souffrant que de blessures mineures, ayant juste découvert le Nen, mais sa force a également été complimentée par Meruemu, qui n'avait pas réussi à le tuer avec sa queue, le laissant simplement meurtri. Unless she would believe she was set up to prevent her from saving the king then the question should be, would she be able to do such a thing, what if I made the lines less transparent for her and say that the King is fatally hurt by the bomb instead of dying will she even have a way around gon's contract in the second round? Naruto: 7 Strongest Known Kage In History (& 7 Weakest) Summary. It was less his emotions, more so the nen contract he wrote. Sie hatrubinrote Augen, und ihre Knie haben abgegrenzte Gelenke wieInsektenbeine. Getting close to him is just asking for a death sentence and she’s not a ranged fighter, while he should still have scissors to shoot her from a far so she most likely gets stomped again. Powers and Stats. Their cat-like ears and tail were covered with yellow and white fur, respectively.
Ihre katzenartigenOhren und Schwanz sind mit gelben und weißen Fell bedeckt. Neferpitou (ネフェルピトー, Neferupitō) nicknamed Pitou, was a cat-humanoid Chimera Ant and the firstborn of the Chimera Ant King's three Royal Guards.. Protecting him is what motivated her so she'd likely be more depressed than enraged.A single kick from Gon can incapacitate Pitou, that shows they aren't comparable.Well, even if it's stats equalized, I'd still give it to Gon due to range advantage.Pitou thought gon was a threat to the king, someone above her in every category. The one that Gon uses to get so strong is what he gave up with the contract. Regardless, if he's anywhere close to Netero, he should be able to put up a fight against Pitou, and with luck on his side, he might even win.A former member of the Phantom Troupe, Hisoka is an incredibly powerful guy with a rather surprising Nen ability.
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