They are NOT EVER EVER cross bred with Miniature Horses or ponies or anything else.
That’s when she stumbled upon the Gypsy. Owned by Nellie Spicher. Block suggests finding a stallion smaller than your mare. All rights reserved. A Mini Gypsy Cob is always a purebred Gypsy Cob only smaller in size. 11.2hh mini cob gelding looking for a part loaner 2/3 days a week. Very few people on the internet were talking about developing small Gypsy ponies – except I did find Pamela Renfro Dickey in Pennsylvania who has the wonderful Toymakker stallion.
Specializing in Purebred Mini Gypsy Ponies 10hh - 13hh!. Mandy Lawrence shared a post. Our Gypsy Horses & Drum Horses are imprinted at birth, handled & and attended to daily, unlike the majority of large stud farms. I decided I needed to investigate and to bring this little horse to the public eye, because it really is quite amazing.For her, it started with kid’s ponies. June 16.
You don’t want the foal to be too big for mini mare, or there will be complications. As time passed, I have switched up every few years the stallion I have used, as I found purebred stock that was smaller (12.3 hand The Executive and then 11.3 hand Wyatt).
Image source: Melanie BlockHer farm started that year as Bohemian Gypsy Cob Ponies.Her foundation stallion and mare came from Black Forest Shires and Gypsy Horses who were importing European breed-quality Cobs from the UK to North America.In this case, they have a category already in place for small ponies, though originally they were closer to 12.2h and above – people weren’t thinking of a miniature horse.In the United States, The American Miniature Horse Registry has miniature horses in two height divisions: A) horse up to 34 inches, and B) horse between 34 – 38 inches.
I will be striving to produce ever smaller, well feathered young stock. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. He is the first "Mini-Gypsy" to be imported to America specifically to breed for Purebred Mini Gypsy Cobs in North America, and maintained status as the Smallest Purebred (mature) Gypsy Stallion in North America from 2012 to 2018!. Due to their size, they are also known as Gypsy Ponies. Image source: Christine Cantrill, OwnerWhile Block is continually working toward that 36 inch mark, she said the nice thing about what they doing is that it is creating diversity for buyers.“The neat thing about the Mini Gypsy is that, for many years anyway, there will be a range of sizes available for whatever beautiful, kind and usable work pony people want to have, ranging from in general 13 hands and under.”Bellbottom Tuppenny 3/4 Gypsy . My search continued, always looking for pony size stock. Gorgeous piebald b/w family-competition sport ponies will compliment our program for developing smaller gypsy cob driving ponies and future mini gypsy horses. Specializing in Purebred Mini Gypsy Ponies 10hh - 13hh! Image source: Melanie BlockThis may be hard for mini breeders and owners, who have been dutifully breeding for the 30 inch, “Arabian” type for the show ring.The typical Miniature Horse for the show ring is too refined for breeding to a Gypsy, of any size, unless the mini is the stud. Great family project!
Ultimate goal of breeding program is a beautiful, healthy, fluffy pony companion and friend for life. Block explains how she is breeding down, while maintaining the Gypsy blood: “I did start my own breeding program to create a mini gypsy at that time with Lex and three yard-tall AMHR miniature horse mares. Report.
So size is very much a consideration when it comes to breeding.The biggest issue here is foal size. We are so excited to introduce our first purebred mini gypsy cob filly to add to our breeding program. I dreamed of owning and riding a Clydesdale more than anything.Then I learned of the Gypsy Vanner – perhaps, in my opinion, the most stunning horse breed in the world – and one of the smaller “draft” horses.