It will also initiate a debate about the different aspects of rural mobility across Europe, discussing innovative solutions and successful mobility ideas.Developing Smart Villages, Digitalisation and Smart Agriculture. The Mamba project is organising a webinar series to showcase the results of the past three years of work on rural mobility and accessibility. EN. FR. Menus du mois. It will touch upon the applicable legislation and principles, the different actors, the key features of tendering and an overview of the different procedures possible. Évènements à Venir SABC meets H.E. This presentation will include a tender documents walkthrough by which the different documents in the tendering process are analysed and discussed with practical recommendations. It will address the requirements imposed by the MDR both in the pre-marketing and the post-marketing phases and is primarily intended for all economic operators distributing medical devices in the European Union. The presentation will identify the changes brought by the MDR, focusing on the independent obligations of distributors but also how they relate to other economic operators for MDR compliance. NL. FR. All Posts; Rechercher. Contact.
Les cookies sont essentiels au bon fonctionnement du site et nous permettent d'améliorer votre expérience de navigation sur notre site. EV2020VÉ Conference and Trade Show - Electric Mobility Canada. It will address key elements such as technical minimum requirements, selection criteria, awarding criteria, offer deadlines, e-Procurement, ESPD and much more. Galerie. More. 29 avr. Cliquez sur 'Accepter' pour accepter les cookies et accéder directement au site ou cliquez sur “As (almost) all Belgian hospitals are subject to the public procurement regime in Belgium, hospitals have to use tender procedures to procure their medical devices. 10/09/2020. 29 avr. Since the adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in May 2018, businesses are facing many challenges and must adapt their data protection practice in order to avoid significant fines imposed by authorities in case of non-compliance or data breaches. Connexion/Inscription. 2019; 1 Min; 3rd grade class trip. Douleur et inflammation Coordination motrice test d'aggrippement activite Respirateurs & Anesthesie Comportement conditionnement recompense Comportement labyrinthe tracking Bains d'organe transducteurs enregistreurs Pharmacologie ect lmd Pression arterielle et non invasive fonctions vitales Metabolisme et comportement alimentaire Canon a micro-ondes muromachi Developpement a facon … You will find more information in the brochure.This is the second part of the training course on health economic evaluations which is specifically oriented to the MedTech sectorThis training session is aimed at those in charge of legal affairs within medical devices companies. It will also touch upon what to do after awarding, where to look in the awarding report and which options are available to challenge awarding decisions. The second part will be held on 29/10/2020 from 13:00-16:00. Lukas Rosenkranz: Business Briefing Algeria 1 September 2020 In particular, this presentation will address items such as FAMHP Circular 646 and anti-gift rules, samples, value-based procurement, improvement proposals, commercial secrecy, price revision and much more. Public tenders- beginners course- Online session. Nevertheless, the focus of the session is on the specific impact of the IVD Regulation on importers and distributors. This presentation – focused on the Life Sciences sector – will provide an update on the most recent trends, guidelines and recommendations since the adoption of the GDPR. Contact. You have to register for both sessions. Menus du mois. It will also cover the relevant provisions under the Belgian Act of 30 July 2018 implementing the GDPR. Local authorities are encouraged to use the week to test new transport measures and get feedback from the public. Cours et événements à venir. The training will also provide an overview of the main MDR changes and address a set of basic requirements regarding Medical Device Software beyond qualification and classification. All medical devices companies process personal data. This presentation will give an introduction into public procurement procedures in Belgium focused on the Life Sciences sector. It is also an excellent opportunity for local stakeholders to get together and discuss the different aspects of mobility and air quality, find innovative solutions to reduce car-use and transport emissions, and test new technologies and planning measures.