Là-bas, un affrontement terrifiant qui décidera de l’avenir de l’humanité les attend. Was this review helpful?
L'équipage de l'USS Enterprise est chargé de stopper ce nouvel ennemi.
This life is not enough for Cooper, brilliantly played by McConaughey who gave body and soul to this character. L'amiral Tolwyn assiste impuissant à cette attaque surprise, son vaisseau de combat étant stationné à des années-lumière du ... Whilst the subject may be hard to comprehend at times, it can't be denied how visually monumental and thoughtful Christopher Nolan's epic science fiction masterpiece is, and can easily be named the best film of this year and possibly one of the greatest science fiction films to have ever graced the screen. L'eminent scientifique John Robinson ... All in all, 'Interstellar' is an excellent movie, which I personally think is Nolan's most beautiful film to date.
Still, this might be a bit too much for the average moviegoer, a lot has to be digested here, it is not a simple or easy movie to watch.
23 out of 27 found this helpful. The story behind the movie has it's flaws. chris Nolan a delivered another original story with with less special effects its more old school stuff with flight simulators done instead of geeen screens with space painted on the outside everything you see in this movie is real as your going to get so here starts the story of a farmer called cooper played by Matthew mconnaughey another Oscar performance who was a N.A.S.A pilot and his family he finds out that there is a problem with earth food sources and stumbles upon a plan to save earth and t leave earth for another world with his daughter he loves and his daughter tuned into other worldly scientific things that I wont explain you have to see this to understand the films relevance on finding a solution to the worlds problems there is a solution in here house were signs are there but I wont make sense until the end he has really turned the corner in his career what a Renascence I would give the first half of the movie an 11/10, just completely enjoyed it as a sci fi/ thriller(in the sense of so much always being on the line). Matthew McConaughey turned in his best performance of his lifetime. I heard that this was called "the most scientifically accurate movie" and that physicist around the world fought over the fact was that true or not.
At times, movie go highly sentimental( Matthew McConaughey does what he is best in and supposed to).
L'adaptation cinématographique de la série "Star Trek".
The ones that you still think of weeks even months later.
Mathieu Kassovitz I can't describe anything.
One thing I would recommend is having a little previous knowledge about space. Leonardo DiCaprio, Marion Cotillard, Ellen Page I was extremely lucky to get the chance to see this film upon its first day release, before entering the cinema, my expectations were already high, after all, this was a film from the cinematic genius who brought us the likes of 'Inception' and 'The Dark Knight', to summarise the following review in a single sentence: I left the cinema in extreme awe from the visual masterpiece I had just viewed. Lorsque la navette est pulvérisée, Stone et Kowalsky se retrouvent totalement seuls, livrés à eux-mêmes dans l’univers… Genre :Science Fiction, Drame Avec :Sandra Bulloc…
They were pioneering. Wowser!
From the very moment I saw a black hole in the movie I put two and two together and that kinda ruined it for me a little. An analysis of the power relations in an ordinary family. Une vision revue et corrigée de la plus grande aventure interstellaire de tous les temps, avec un jeune équipage parti explorer des lieux que personne n'a jamais visités avant lui. Regarding the acting, as I said before, Chastain gave the most powerful performance in the movie.
Lors de son premier voyage en 1985, Marty a commis quelques erreurs. Au coeur d'une lointaine galaxie, à bord du vaisseau d'exploration Palomino qui retourne vers la Terre, le robot Vincent détecte la présence d'un puissant "trou noir", le phénomène le plus mystérieux et le plus terrifiant de l'univers, capable d'engloutir à tout jamais planètes et étoiles, et d'emprisonner ...