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You can make your content more share-friendly by adding social sharing links that are visible and lead to pre-populated posts.Before we get into how to create them, let's quickly review what social sharing links are.Social sharing links are those small, clickable social media icons lurking on the pages of ebooks, blog posts, and other webpages. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. 2. They'll have to write that in themselves. If you don’t have an App ID, the registration process is not onerous, but there’s no need to bother when an even simpler solution exists. We'll get to the long version in a second, but here's the short version:Now that you get the general idea of how it works, let's get into the step-by-step.The Share Link Generator lets you post to Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.Once you've filled in those blanks, click "Create the Link!" It baffles me why on earth they cannot get this to work with valid html? Top shelf learning. 3. Facebook disabled custom share fields in February 2014, so you can't pre-populate viewers' Facebook shares with your own words or hashtags.

Copy & Paste HTML snippet. Style the A tag in any way you want to.As far as what it chooses as the default in the absence of this tag, I'm not sure.The meta tags work with Facebook's developer like/send buttons, as does the other Open Graph info. Try running it through a validator and you will see. Free 30 Day Trial Use whatever fits you best! Featured on Meta Free and premium plans.Content management software to power websites. For your personal page URL, click on your name at the top-right of your window -in the top blue banner. This feature was 'deprecated' but now is back to the official docs. The Feed Dialog is awesome, but should be used correctly. Required when using method share. Keys must be strings, and values can be either strings or JSON objects with the keys text and href.A JSON array containing a single object describing the action link which will appear next to the 'Comment' and 'Like' link under posts. Has to be a bug over at Facebook, one they apparently don't care to fix as every bug report regarding this issue I've seen in their system all say resolved or fixed.To change Title, Description and Image, we need to add some meta tags under head tag.I had this problem and fixed it with manuel-84's suggestion. When a viewer clicks on one, she is sent straight to a social media site with an update pre-populated with your content.Here's an example of social sharing buttons from a page of a HubSpot ebook. Free and premium plans.Sales software for closing more deals, faster. For more information, check out our A social media share link is a URL that when clicked populates a set message and image that can be shared on social media. Here's an example of a Twitter share link I made:What's the difference between "URL only" and "HTML link"?But sometimes, you may want social sharing links in the form of icons, not words, to catch the reader's eye. Share photos and videos, send messages and get updates.

1. StackOverflow has the image_src property set, which is the one it is using. How are these images selected, and how can I ensure that any particular image on my page is If these tags are not present, it will look for their older method of specifying an image: Yes, you just need to add multiple image meta tags in the order you want them to appear in. That's because the URL requires an Application ID and Redirect URI (specificed in the Facebook Application settings).

Have fun with it!Originally published Jun 6, 2014 4:04:00 PM, updated September 05 2017 Feel free to post in the comments creative sites or ways that you've used sharing with Facebook. Another tiny tool brought to you by Patrick St. John. (Go ahead, try 'em out! Create Facebook share links, Twitter "tweet this" links, LinkedIn share links, Pinterest "pin this" links and email "mailto" links that will work anywhere — even inside emails!

The Facebook Sharer URL is Godsend, and understanding OG tags entirely can give you a huge web development advantage.

What I need is to create a Facebook share button which will have a custom title, url, image, description, etc. The linter reports no error and shows my image correctly, but when I click the share button on my site there is absolutely no image in the share interface.image_src no longer works for Facebook, BUT some service still use it (Telegram clients, etc)Yes, I believe that's what they mean. In my case, another images appear before the image of meta tags.Woot! Notice the links are in the form of social media icons -- I'll show you how to make your own later on.You can create social sharing links just like these and put them right into your ebooks, blogs, and webpages -- all in just a few minutes. If a URL has previously been shared on Facebook (by anyone, anywhere), Facebook "remembers" the information associated with that URL (like the image, title and description) even if it's wrong or a completely blank image.. These deprecated URLs are:If you would like to make the Facebook Sharer a JavaScript Popup, you can use this snippet of code:Lastly, everything that the Sharer uses is pulled in via Open Graph (OG) Meta Tags.