But the other three? And he have always had them except for the eight and nine tails beast. Remember the Senju/Uzumaki have the "Sages body" while the Uchiha have the "Sages eyes" I don't believe Obito was referring to Sasuke's inability to break out of Tsukuyomi on his own. No one Obito fought did.
As such, it can be said that … When they were in the real world remember Killer Bee, Naruto, Guy and Kakashi couldn't tag him for a long time.The thing about Itachi vs Minato. Naruto has no skill. In actual fact he is dying at that point. And wtf does a rinnegan have to do with Izanami, that doesn't protect him form squat.
To make contact he has to become corporeal again, and that's where he'll fail as Itachi is much, much faster and better then him at close combat.4. Itachi actually showed him through it on purposedly. Dude you Saw Orochimaaru surviving Tailed Beas bomb by getting hit head on(that included complete body disintegration) That feat is only outmatched by madara's regeneration(as TTJ) after getting hit by night guy.So NO it wouldn't matter.SixpathsofSamoa wrote: I helped you throught the Tsukuyomi.
Thekillman wrote: So while Itachi and Sasuke deal with Kabuto, Obito can himself take on the rest and kick their asses.
So Obito will use Izanagi and then instantly gets close, Itachi can't react that fast and gets pulled into Kamui. Obito skulked away after losing an arm without doing any damage.But back on topic, The fact that he had to take it Up to that level of speed Shows he is faster than Itachi, he hasn't shown that kinda speed, and was having trouble with Saskue. First of all ems sasuke is close to itachis lvl and itachi defeated oro with simple genjutsu.If itachi and sasuke wanted to kill kabuto they couldev had easily do so.No kimimaro isnt better in h2h combat then itachi.Double MS obito should be stronger then DMS kakashi(who was able to cut kaguyas arm!
And that did destroyed his complete body but he regenerated.
None of them. You obviously comprehended very little of what I wrote, and there are so many holes with your logic that I'm highly questioning whether I should continue debating with you at this point.
(if you ignore the Izanagi that is) Here if he fights Kimimaro he has to materialize and whichever spot he(obito) will try to hit the bone would protrude and harm him instead. Not just stamina.
Wait, if it's Edo Tensei used then Nagato is summoned Ravenlot 27 wrote: The only advantage Obito holds over Itachi is intangibility.
However Pain, can and would beat Itachi anytime anywhere. He always has a plot related way out of trouble and no weaknesses.
A much weaker Sasuke, with This is your argument? @Namikazenaruto, the only thing Sasuke's Genjutsu seemed to be doing to Kurama was paralyzing him. Obito's stamina is not vast. He wasn't nearly as skilled at that point, and he didn't even have the MS. Also, Itachi is not going to use Susanoo from the get go, that doesn't fit his battle style. Kamui Cutter? I feel like his 'death' to Kakashi is kinda retarded. The rest he should be able to do. These are completely different than his phasing abilit, how ur referring. How about they have let's say, one edo at the start prepped? Namikazenaruto9 wrote: He won 1v1.Obito can phase through Susanoo? Kabuto/Orochimaru's hax makes them impossible to be fatally wounded. Stalemating Kakashi means nothing as Itachi easily beats Kakashi with his, and Sasuke beat C, a trained genjutsu specialist.
If Minato is in this then Obito is at an disadvantage considering he is marked by him, but that's if Orochimaru Edo's Minato in time.
And Sasuke and Itachi defeated Orochimaru and Kabuto already. "I personally don't think obito can break out of tsukuyomi. Itachi would give the 4th a run for his money at his peak and you all know it. Naruto has no skill. Now for the next 72 hours, you'll be continuously stabbed by these katana"As for the fight itself, I already said obito wins..Kakashi's taijutsu stat hasn't moved and nothing indicates he got better at it.
But I'm counting a fully serious Obito, the one we saw fighting Konan!That said, he is insanely hax. WHEN did he fight kaguya directly?He was only oppening dimensions,nothing less nothing more. .. Just research this topic ok! Orochimaru and kabuto can have one NON-Kage shinobi prepared as edotensei.
Nor for defending.
Itachi has neither. In issue 400 page 16 I think, Obito showed that he knew about Itachi's plans of having Sasuke kill him.
Just For Fun. So there shouldn't be too much of a difference. Anyways, the edo that Kabuto should be Nagato. And no rasengan's not a durability feat except for his mask.3.