This is useful for reference pages like dictionaries, encyclopedias, or other reference types. This limitation is now removed because no browser has implemented it this way. When clicked the page should either reload or open up a duplicate page within a new tab. We'll start by looking at how to select the children of particular elements. But we can use some alternatives to if-else which are discussed below:So, the above classes will execute only for HTML tags in which these classes are used.If you like GeeksforGeeks and would like to contribute, you can also write an article using Please Improve this article if you find anything incorrect by clicking on the "Improve Article" button below.Please write to us at to report any issue with the above content. So if the example shows an "ID" selector then you can probably also use a "Class" or "Element" selector in the same exact way. Let's take a look at the two primary ones. Keep in mind that for any of these selectors you can combine the 3 main types of selectors. Hover is simplest of interactive styles. If you wish to select elements that are next to a target element then it is as simple as adding the "~" or "tilde" sign. Conditional selectors allow you to define which elements are selected based on their location within the document. Just remember you can combine these slectors in MANY different configurations. CSS Selectors.
In the following code we want to select all of the children of alpha, but all of the children are of a different type. This is done in the same fashion as regular pseudo classes, meaning they will use the ":" symbol, and not refer to particular element names or attributes. When clicked the page should either reload or open up a duplicate page within a new tab. Any other style that chagnes the dimensions or font-family of the selection will not work in most current browsers. It only requires the seperator and keyword as shown. Though you'll probably rarely have a use for it, maybe as a debug tool to mark stray elements, you can actually select elements that are empty.
CSS is "Cascading Style Sheets" and it is defined to display HTML in structured and colorful styles are applied to webpage. Even though you can use CSS selectors in any JavaScript (or CSS) you deploy in your site or in GTM, I’m guessing your most typical scenario would be the matches CSS selector trigger condition.
Though you'll probably rarely have a use for it, maybe as a debug tool to mark stray elements, you can actually select elements that are empty. Version: CSS2: Browser Support. Move the mouse on and off the blue square below and see what happens. The only difference will be the highlighting of this section's title text. In this example we use "nth-child" and "nth-of-type" to change all "p" tags.
Here is the “plain English” of “#header .callout”: Select all elements with the class name callout that are decendents of the element with an ID of header. An id of "target_sel_section" has been added to the header of this section (where it says "target"). Even though you can use CSS selectors in any JavaScript (or CSS) you deploy in your site or in GTM, I’m guessing your most typical scenario would be the matches CSS selector trigger condition.
For instance let's look at how we can use it to make "tool tips" for some elements.
Always remember it's perfectly possible to stack most selectors as well! Click and drag your mouse on this text and make note of the color placed around the text. It's an often asked question and for now it's best to just realize you must use JavaScript if you really need to select a parent. Also remember that the asterisk symbol that typically selects *all* elements can be use in conjust with condtional selectors as well.