(See the full sermon denotes (a) “to lead in triumph,” used of a conqueror with reference to the vanquished, 2 Cor. But it can be taken out of the way, by payment from a perfect man, Jesus Christ.When a criminal was crucified, the charges against him were written down and nailed to his cross. 32:27; Jos.
Even though I’m separated from you geographically, my spirit is present there with you. What more do you want?
2 I am contending for you that your hearts will be wrapped in the comfort of heaven and woven together into love’s fabric. For those who have accepted Christ's offer of forgiveness, He "wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, … having nailed it to the cross" (Col. 2:14). He stripped them; the word used is the word for stripping the weapons and the armor from a defeated foe. Bible francais, Bible parole de vie. When someone had a debt in ancient times and it was paid off, they would write "the law itself, but to the record of charges (for breaking God's law), which stood against us and which God symbolically removed by "nailing it to the cross," handwritten account, record of debts (specifically, a note of hand, or writing in which one acknowledges that money has either been deposited with him or lent to him by another, to he returned at an appointed timea “promissory note.” God cancels the bond that lies to our charge. There seems to be no historical ground for the illustration of Grotius, that it was customary to thrust a nail through papers—declaring them old and obsolete, much in the same way as a Bank of England note is punched through the centre when declared to be no longer of value, and no longer to be put into circulation. We do not know exactly to what Paul was responding in this letter, but it seems that some false teachers were causing problems in the church. For example, when Titus conquered Jerusalem in 70 A.D., the seven-branched candlesticks, the golden table of shewbread, the golden trumpets were carried through the streets of Rome in his triumph.
The Passion Translation® Copyright © 2017 by Passion & Fire Ministries, Inc. Used by permission. They fearlessly and unhesitatingly proclaim the gospel message. He must have been the actual commander-in-chief in the field.
The 7th day was blessed before Adam was created; only the races had been created (6th day). (The decrees that were against us are in a sense personified - they have a Law is against us, because it comes like a taskmaster, bidding us do, but neither putting the inclination into our hearts nor the power into our hands. On the third day came the captives, preceded by 120 sacrificial oxen with their horns gilded and their heads adorned with ribbons and garlands, next Macedonian gold, then the captured king’s chariot, crown, and armor. 1:2; 12:11; 20:20; Jn. 18 Do not allow yourselves to be condemned by anyone who claims to be superior because of special visions and who insists on false humility and the worship of angels. 1:1; 10:6; 13:8, 19; Lk. And finally, at the very end, came the army wearing all their decorations and shouting, "Triumph! The conflict was a furious one, mighty and mysterious in its struggle. On March 7, 321 Roman Emperor Constantine I issued a civil decree making Sunday a day of rest from labor, stating: All judges and city people and the craftsmen shall rest upon the venerable day of the sun. Then there came the, what were called lictors, or punishers, who were beating these people with rods. And by the power of the cross, Jesus led them around as prisoners in a procession of triumph. Furthermore, the campaign must have been completely and successfully concluded. As we have seen, the ancient world believed in all kinds of angels and in all kinds of elemental spirits. 13:10; 1 Pet. Study also the NT uses of the parallel phrase through Jesus (or similar phrases - "through Whom", "through our Lord", etc) - John 1:17, Acts 10:36, Ro 1:4, 5- All things are from Him, through Him and to Him. and causes it to grow by the supernatural power of God.For you were included in the death of Christ and have died with him to the religious system and powers of this world. (1Jn 3:5)I have wiped out your transgressions like a thick cloud, and your sins like a heavy mist. 2:4; Nah 1:2The strong sense which Lightfoot gives to this word in Col 2:14 (translating it as) “A vivid picture of the hostile character or "active hostility" of the bond or note. (Colossians 2:14, 15 In Depth Commentary) Nailed (proseloo from prós = to + helos = nail, peg, stud) means to affix with nails or spikes and describes the manner in which Christ removed the "I.O.U." 8:13; Job 13:24; 33:10; Ps. And then there came the priests swinging their censors with the sweet-smelling incense burning.And then came the general himself after all of this huge entourage. Redemption is a work at once of price and power, of expiation and conquest. notes "The figure is that of a victorious military leader, the Roman imperator, leading in triumphal procession his captives of war. 1:12; 5:27; 10:18; 17:2; 19:10, 11; Acts 1:7; 5:4; 8:19; 9:14; 26:10, 12, 18; Rom. Be All the Mosaic ceremonials, from which you were shut out as Gentiles, are abolished. In his hand he had an ivory scepter with a Roman eagle on the top of it, and over his head a slave held the crown of Jupiter. Christ has driven a nail through them and fastened them up to his cross.” As, sometimes, a banker stamps through a cheque when it is paid, so has Christ but through the very heart of all Jewish ordinances by what he has done for his people.signifies to smear or plaster over and then it is used to denote the act by which a law or deed of obligation is cancelled… the word… means here to expunge.
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