This work, which the reader devours, recounts his childhood spent between France, Libya and Syria, following his parents’ encounter at the Sorbonne University cafeteria at the very beginning of the 1970s. Andere Kunden kauften auch
But no doubt accurate and a good way to learn about growing up in the middle east. Some of it's extremely funny, but due to the subject matter
They reunite with the father in Syria once the baby is born. 2 Klicks für mehr Datenschutz: Erst wenn Sie hier klicken, wird der Button aktiv und Sie können Ihre Empfehlung an Facebook senden. L'histoire du fiston d'un étudiant syrien francophile et d'une maman bretonne. Buch
The Arab of the Future - A Childhood in the Middle East, 1984-1985
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Mario Lars
J'ai offert cette BD à un syrien d'origine qui a vécu là bas à peu près en même temps que l'auteur.
Warenkorb Buch