Why this name?Because right next to this source, is a chasm known to be the home of the devil, also nicknamed "Bel Affreux" from the 16th to the 18th century. Descriptive; At the foot of a cirque wooded cliffs and limestone, a petrifying source out of a rock hole is the source of the “Bel Affreux… Moreover, on closer inspection, the opening of the cave from which the spring comes out is strangely like a mouth wide open with fangs!The ancients also say that the great rock overlooking the cave has a legend: that of Château-Mignon. It's a Other size geocache, with difficulty of 3.5, terrain of 3.
Grotte du Bel Affreux. Observe and touch the WP4 spoiler on Zones 1,2 and 3a-Is it the same feeling to the touch (friable or not, hard or smooth)?
This note will not be visible to the public when your geocache is published. La remontée de la rivière d’Antheuil vous conduira à la grotte du « Bel Affreux » où vous pourrez découvrir aussi cascade et source pétrifiante! L'entrée se trouve au pied du cirque de falaises calcaires et de forêts de pentes, que l'on nomme le Ravin d'Antheuil. Ce village est connu pour sa Grotte, le Bel-Affreux, mais aussi sa source qui porte le même nom qui jaillit au pied du rocher. D'ailleurs, en y regardant de plus près, l'ouverture de la grotte d'où sort la source ressemble étrangement à une bouche grande ouverte avec des crocs !Les anciens racontent aussi que le grand rocher qui surplombe la grotte a une légende : celle de Château-Mignon."
Oups !!
I propose you here to browse part NATURA2000 which is part of Antheuil.
Grotte du Bel Affreux, avec source pétrifiante et cascade. The blasphemers could never implement the enormous materials they had prepared ...The village of Antheuil is located in a liasic combe on the edge of a Middle Jurassic compartment limited to the East by a major fault.This compartment consists mainly of a plateau whose surface is formed of subhorizontal limestones of the upper Bathonian (Comblanchien) or Callovian (pearl slab).Precipitation is immediately absorbed and gives rise to resurgences located below the compartment, at the base of the Middle Jurassic in contact with the Lias Marls.This is the situation of the resurgence of Antheuil.This resurgence is located at the extreme base of interlocking limestones, the marls of the Lias are visible immediately at the edge of the source, moreover the contact of these marls with the Bajocian could be cleared.In addition, the water, traveling long distances across the plateau, takes care of limestone by dissolving the rock. What can you say especially about zone 3b-What is very visual about Part 2? Antheuil : Cascade et grotte du Bel Affreux (GC871A7) was created by Sunrise21 on 4/28/2019. Une source pétrifiante provenant de la rivière souterraine s'échappe du ravin et …
"The wizards of Anteu (sobriquet of the inhabitants) wanted one day to build a fortress on the Mountain, but the work that they did the day was destroyed every night. If you've made changes, tell the reviewer what changes you made. Les sorciers d’Anteu (sobriquet des habitants) voulurent un jour bâtir une forteresse sur la Montagne, mais les travaux qu’ ils faisaient le jour étaient détruits chaque nuit. .Q4. Y'rasre rfg cnié qr obaarf vagragvbaf..rg q'har obaar RneguPnpur !
Contribution 21360 ANTHEUIL | 47.169029 4.747360. : Ajouter au carnet. Ph.