She first worked in venture capital, then teaching and PR and has served on the board of several non-profit organisations, including the MAVA Foundation and the International School of Lausanne. 1147 Montricher – Suisse. Jan Michalski. He holds an MSc in Environmental Policy and Regulation from the London School of Economics as well as a bachelor degree in Geography and International Development Studies from McGill University. Subscribe to the newsletter by entering your e-mail He has served on the Boards of English Nature, the RSPB, the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust and Devon Wildlife Trust in the UK, the Tour du Valat Foundation in France, and the Scientific Council of the Convention on Migratory Species. He is the Chairman of Immunocore Ltd, a large UK base biotech company focused on Cancer and infectious disease. Prior to this he served for 10 years as Director of the Glaxo Institute in Geneva and as head of European Research for Glaxo Wellcome.
In the autumn of 2007, Vera Michalski announced the creation of the Jan Michalski Foundation in Montricher, Switzerland. Jean-Philippe Rochat has a deep attachment to mountain environments and is a passionate mountain man, cooperating with different projects concerning sustainable development in such regions. It is a place where writers, artists, and the public come together. She is now a contemporary art collector and a supporter and producer of international art, film, publishing and environmental projects. He has been a passionate ornithologist all his life, collaborating on numerous research projects in Switzerland and abroad while also participating in various wetlands projects. Les formulaires de candidatures pour les résidences 2021 sont maintenant en ligne. Jonathan has a lifelong interest in ecology, and is particularly interested in helping to maintain biodiversity in aquatic and mountain environments.Vera Michalski-Hoffmann spent most of her childhood in the Camargue, France. Vera Michalski-Hoffmann, née à Bâle le 5 novembre 1954, est la présidente de plusieurs maisons d'édition en Suisse, en France et en Pologne et de la Fondation Jan Michalski [1].Ces maisons d'édition sont regroupées au sein la holding Libella SA basée à Lausanne [2].
He is currently the Director for Investments and Logistics and part of the management team at Rolex S.A., based in Geneva. Vera Michalski-Hoffmann spent most of her childhood in the Camargue, France. A specialist in institutional wealth management, he sits on the boards of several pension funds. ), « Importer en provenance d'espaces périphériques.
The Jan Michalski Foundation for Writing and Literature was created in 2004 in Montricher at the foot of the Jura Mountains in Switzerland. Several of them can stay simultaneously and for different lengths of time, never to exceed one year, however. A keen sportsman, Frederic enjoys being outdoors, traveling, and gardening.Maja Hoffmann spent her youth in the Camargue, France. André Hoffmann has been Board President since June 2010 and members of Luc Hoffmann’s family – direct descendants or their spouses – retain a voting majority.Members are elected for a maximum three-year period, renewable twice. Vera Michalski-Hofmann a connu une enfance heureuse dans la réserve de la Tour du Valat, en Camargue. He regularly advises public and private companies on corporate law issues. Jan Michalski est né en 1953 en Pologne. An exception applies to Hoffmann family members whose membership can be renewed without limit. Son intérêt pour la littérature se nourrit d’une culture classique et européenne. »Gisèle Sapiro (dir. En 2004, Vera Michalski fonde la Fondation Jan Michalski pour l’écriture et la littérature avec pour mission de promouvoir l’écriture et d’apporter un soutien aux écrivains. Elle parle couramment cinq langues, À l'automne 2007, Vera Michalski a annoncé la création de la Cette fondation a acquis une ancienne colonie de vacances qui a été transformée en lieu d'accueil pour écrivains, il est possible d'y accueillir plusieurs écrivains en même temps. La Fondation Jan Michalski pour l’écriture et la littérature a été créée en 2004 à Montricher, au pied du Jura suisse, par Vera Michalski-Hoffmann en mémoire de son époux, afin de perpétuer leur engagement commun envers les acteurs de l’écrit. Jan Michalski, qui était né en Pologne dans une famille victime de la Par la suite, le couple a racheté plusieurs maisons d'édition qui ont ensuite été réunies au sein du Bien que Vera Michalski soit l'héritière d'une grande fortune, elle déclare veiller à différencier ses activités d'édition, qui visent la rentabilité, et ses activités de mécénat. Today it offers a unique communal venue that is turned outward to the world at large. They published a wide range of authors, in French and Polish translations, through Noir sur Blanc, Buchet-Chastel, Phébus […] ), « Importer en provenance d'espaces périphériques. He holds a visiting professorship in Personalized medicine at FIMM (Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland) at the University of Helsinki, Is Professor Emeritus at EPFL in Switzerland and holds a visiting professorship at the University of Oxford. Its main aim is to reintroduce the horses to Mongolia and to effect related activities, particularly cooperation with local nomadic herders.Rosalie Hoffmann holds a BA in Geography with Economics from Exeter University, UK. Fondation Jan Michalski En Bois Désert 10 Route de Chardève 2 (GPS) CH-1147 Montricher + 41 21 864 01 01. En Bois Désert 10. Boris Senff Publié: 06.03.2020, 11h54 André Hoffmann studied economics at St. Gallen University and holds an MBA from INSEAD.Frederic Hoffmann is currently based in London, where he devotes his time to urban sustainability and novel food models.