The LICol/CISA licence has been awarded to Valeur by the FINMA, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority. Lawful basis: Legal Obligation.– If we enter negotiations with a third party for the sale or purchase of all or part of our business, we will only disclose personal data to that third party to the extent it relates to that business and only under conditions of confidentiality requiring the third party to be bound by the privacy policy that applies to that data. Cet exercice permet de mettre en évidence où se trouvent la création ou la perte de valeur dans votre gestion du client. Lawful basis: most processing will be based on Legitimate Interests, some processing is based on Contract and, where necessary (as above) some processing may be based on your prior Consent.– For provision of the Services, and for our own disaster recovery and business continuity purposes, we may store or transmit personal data to or through third party providers, such as with our contractors and advisors to help us operate, secure and analyze our business. Combien allez-vous générer de valeur client en 2008? Chaque client représente une valeur pour l'entreprise, qui peut être mesurée par la marge dégagée. Our expertise covers the range of real estate investment solutions and architectural services.2 – Disclaimer for Valeur Group, Valeur SA, Valeur Securities SA and Valeur Concept SAMore generally, please note that this Site, as a whole or in each of its contents, is not addressed to legal or natural persons who, by virtue of their nationality, type of person, domicile or residence, registered office or for any other reason are subject to a legal system that prohibits or limits access thereto, consultation, availability or publication thereof, the presentation of financial services or the marketing of certain financial products.Shareholder Rights Directive (applies to Valeur Capital Ltd)WE DO NOT MARKET TO OR ENTER INTO CONTRACTS WITH CHILDREN NOR WE DO COLLECT PERSONAL DATA FROM ANY PERSON UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE. Vous pouvez donc maintenant piloter la relation par la valeur: augmentation des revenus et baisse des coûts de gestion client (acquisition, transaction, fidélisation); maximisation du potentiel des clients porteurs de valeur et fidélisation des clients rentables.Quelle est la rentabilité actuelle et potentielle (stratégique) de votre portefeuille client? Our investment concept evolved into a truly global reality that consists of Valeur Capital Ltd, Valeur Securities SA, Valeur Pte Ltd, Valeur SA, and Valeur Concept SA. Ce cycle comprend quatre grandes phases: recrutement, croissance, valorisation et déclin.Cette notion de passé/présent/futur se retrouve bien dans le mode de calcul. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "valeur client" – Deutsch-Französisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. Et c'est bien ce dont il s'agit avec le CRM: bâtir une relation profitable avec les meilleurs clients en capitalisant sur l'ensemble des points de contacts. Where possible, we keep personal data within the European Economic Area (‘EEA’). Lugano is also the hub of Valeur research: markets and investment strategies are continuously analyzed to offer the best solutions for each Client.The trading desk provides an efficient investment platform with wide access to the market. Le cycle de vie client ou «LTV - LifeTime Value» (pour «la valeur du client sur la durée de vie», inspirée du cycle de vie produit) a pour objet d'analyser la valeur du client, à la fois par sa contribution actuelle, mais aussi sur la base de ses potentialités. Trending on Valeur: Simplify Fractions Calculator The Simplify Fractions Calculator will not only simplify your fraction, but also show you step-by-step how it simplified your fraction! The company manages Luxembourg-based funds (SIF and UCITS) and, along with other entities of the Group, carries out research and market analysis to develop the most appropriate fund strategies. It is your responsibility to return to the Website from time to time and check for changes.– you may provide us with your details during discussions about investing in our fund or our fund investing in your business/buying our products or services,– when you visit the Website, we may collect information about your visit such as your IP address and the pages you visited,– you may provide us with your details when you ask about our funds or other Services (through the Website, by email or otherwise) and we may obtain legally-compliant lists of potential customers for our funds or other Services for our marketing purposes.When you provide us with personal data about yourself or another person, you are confirming to us that you are authorised to provide us with that information and that any personal data you give us is accurate and up-to-date.– To respond to enquiries about the funds and other Services, to provide the Websites and Services, to provide advice and support. PLEASE DO NOT ACCESS OR USE THE WEBSITE OR SERVICES IF YOU ARE UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE.As data protection law and practice are constantly developing, we’ll need to update this policy from time to time, which we’ll do by posting a new policy on the Website that takes effect from the date stated. Valeur SA manages UCITS and SIF Luxemburg funds.
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