It can destroy your life and you have no control over it, TomSka has mentioned multiple times he fights depression and his best friend dying certainly didn't help a bit.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castA subreddit to help you keep up to date with what's going on with reddit and other stuff.Press J to jump to the feed. I didn't think it was bad, but it lacked the usual charm of some of his other work.And I have to say - although I really like her - I thought Dodie's acting wasn't great.Being completely honest this was one of my least favourite sketches. Let's talk about everything from Disney to what would happen to me if YouTube died! He kept getting fatter, starting shit with other content creators, and pushing away the people that helped him build a channel... Also his best friend dying was really hard, and I can't hold that against him, but I'm also not going let him use it as an excuse either.I would guess that they all just kinda drifted apart for life reasons. "Luke I am your daddy-man" "Faarrtthhhvvaaaa" (They proceed to kiss)But seriously I found this sketch alright not his greatest but definitely made me chuckle a few timesI liked it more than most other videos he made recently. Hello there, long time fan of both TomSka and DarkSquidge. © All Right Reserved 2017 Videos containing him and Jenny have been removed.Jack and Dean - they're still friends, but Jack and dean are quite busy these days.Generally Tomska has struggled with not being a dick since he spent a lot of childhood being bullied online and in real life. This feature is not available right now. log in sign up. You have questions, I have answers! u/twin_pine.
Regardez TomSka - Aucun Regret ? I have disliked some videos like fire man so I guess it's all just your opinion.In all honesty, I agree. All mentions of Bing in video descriptions has been changed to Chris, and the Tomska and Bing dance has been changed to just the Tomska dance.Jennybee - they broke up, and it appears Tomska is still hurt by the break up.
what happened?Bing - Tomska's depression and general falling out has left their relationship in tatters. share. (unless you mean the make up video, which I think is down yes) I don't think he's got any issues with that relationship anymore, since he has a new girlfriend and all.Removing the videos with JennyBee is sad. r/TomSka: Hey you! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Send a letter! But Any Regret isn't the worst, and I liked it quite abit.It annoys me that in the start, Sammy is hammering a screw in.The rule of three hurt it, I feel. While it wasn't perfect (did all the excessive kissing bits just feel way more awkward than funny for anyone else?) Comédie - Durée : 4 min. Please try again later. Archived. Any Regrets? He told me to get hit by a bus (or two cars)!I've never gotten into the whole YouTube world, feel like it hit the generation below me. u/kiersmini. This one I personally didn't get anything from.I respectfully disagree. His depression and abrasive personality have driven away friendships for years (His words)That said he is one of the nicest youtubers you'll meet. (Tomska) - Forum Forum de discussions de chat convivial pour les membres de Welcome to the subreddit for all things TomSka!
56. r/TomSka. None of the jokes hit for me. - Jokes are OK, Very Jumpy, Punchline Is Egh - 7/1017 Ways To Dumb Your Girlfriend - Very Jumpy But Fun - 7/10First Contact - Jokes are Half and Half but Very Fun - 7/10Baby With A Gun 2 - Very Funny and Good "Plot twist" - 8/0It's definitely not the best imo, my favorite is The New Kid and Le Alien. It reminded me a lot of BriTANicK, Here is my ranking of Tom's 2017 Sketches (Not including asdfmovie 10) Tom is one of the funniest Youtubers on the platform but you can't make everything perfect especially with comedy so yeah I don't hate he is in my top 3 youtubers of all time sooo.Spy Guys - Forgettable with Mediocre Punchline - 4/10Secret Santa - Punchline Funny On First Watch - 5/10Time Trouble - Jokes and Punchline are Mediocre - 6/10Any Regrets? Depression is a bitch.Tom's videos with Jenny are still right there, don't know what you're talking about.