He has some interesting speakers but repetition might help study for a biology exam, but it doesnt do much for entertainment.
Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. The economy is part of the biosphere of this planet but the biosphere is not at the service of the economy. Sustainability comes from the fact that we aim at economizing and never exhausting any source of whatever it is we want or need.
The Earth is renewable and can self-heal given an immense amount of time, but we have but one chance to make things right, for ourselves. Pack the bags, honey! Is it because it's not exactly a horror movie or because Kim has been such a beauty that aging makes her a "no no" actress?
And the best way not to waste is to use things and resources that are renewable, hence sustainable.
Here we are offered a parade of authors, scientists and environmental leaders telling us over and over again that we better get moving.
Fisheries can be part of the carbon cycle and provide long-term food supplies (see "End of the Line" film) but this is now at dire risk too (see "Harvesting the Biosphere" by Prof. Vaclav Smil). The film was co-produced and narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio (who was literally staring in the film - compare this with Still, if you're able to handle the pace, it is in the end, a positive eye-opener.
Kuki, a divorced Italian socialite, changes her life after a serious car crash.
We have to change our way of thinking more than anything else. T he 11th Hour may be a kindred spirit to Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, but in terms of style, tone, and scope, this Leonardo DiCaprio-produced and narrated documentary on climate change is a wholly different beast.Rather than Gore’s efficient, comprehensive PowerPoint presentation, Leila Conners Petersen and Nadia Conners’s film is a distinctly expressive work, one that seeks …
Tragedy strikes, forcing the student to confront everything that has been holding him back. Came across reference to this when researching for a presentation to my local University of the Third Age Science Group. I expected more directives and less possibilities, we should all take this seriously. I know that guys like Leo and Gore like to think they are persuading, but really they are mostly preaching to the choir, (will George Bush see this film? There isn't any more available.
It is not so much about CO2. Last year we listened to An Inconvenient Truth, and now, The 11th Hour brings forth that sense of urgency to do much more. The 11th Hour - Part 5 - Willst du einen Nussknacker - Let's Play The 11th Hour. Perhaps this is due to the fact that it was filmed in 2007 (when the point and shame practice of the documentaries was not widely used). It's not just slick Keynote presentation which Gore's material is utilizing to bring the message across (and a very effective one I might add), and we also get the usual stock videos of hurricanes and well referenced clips of the melting polar caps. A reality series in which an American town is reconstructed as a green utopia of tomorrow. Too much of the footage of "The 11th Hour" is just standard nature photography, as helicopter-cams swoop over hill and dale and birds look unhappy and ice melts. I just have to look around...
Certificate: AL I super especially loved the information on biomimicry.