button: You can comment out selected lines of code from the menu bar: In MySQL, the -- (double-dash) comment style requires the second dash to be followed by at least one whitespace or control character (such as a space, tab, newline, and so on). A block comment can cover text in part of a line, or can span multiple lines. In this article, tips on T-SQL code commenting and improving productivity will be given, while using the ApexSQL Refactor’s Comments feature.ApexSQL Refactor is a free SQL Server and Visual Studio SQL formatting add-in with nearly 200 formatting options.. )Note that the dash dash (- -) comments out the effectiveness of the slash star (/*) starting comment block and note the dash dash (- -) comment in front of the ending star slash (*/) ending comment block characters. Thanks. How to comment or uncomment block of code in SQL Developer? This will put -- in front of each line you have highlighted. Thus, you can enter the following comment, and SQL*Plus won’t treat &VAR as a substitution variable: SQL> --In this comment, &VAR is not a substition variable. This next image shows how the dash dash in front of the ending star dash comment ending block is necessary for this trick to function properly.
For instance, you are defining a Stored Procedure and want the comments to remain as part of the procedure definition. In SQL Developer, I highlight all lines of PL/SQL that I want commented and use Ctrl + /. By default, it uses the SQL Server 2019 (15.x) scheme, with keyboard shortcuts based on Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. This comment can be placed after code in the same line and everything before two dashes (–) will execute like normal T-SQL and after two dashes(–) will not be executed and considered as comment. I will follow-up with related tips and tricks that build on this simple concept.The additional slash at the end of each block apparently delineates them so that sql developer recognises them as a separate block.
block comment. Other comments are handled as described earlier.Beware - if you de-selected this option and include line-comments within normal SQL (such as queries, updates, inserts etc), you may get a syntax error with some databases.
It is expected that the script-processor (in this case AQT) will remove the comments from the SQL before passing it to the database for processing. Re: How to comment or uncomment block of code in SQL Developer? To comment out lines of code in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) Query Window, select lines of code you want to comment out and hit the keyboard shortcut 'CTRL+K' followed by 'CTRL+C'.. You can also select the lines of code and press the 'Comment out the selected lines.' The example uses both simple and bracketed comments: EXEC SQL CREATE VIEW PRJ_MAXPER --projects with most support personnel /* * Returns number and name of the project */ AS SELECT PROJNO, PROJNAME -- number and name of project FROM DSN8910.PROJ /* * E21 is the systems support dept … This allows you to quickly add or remove your test SQL from the final compiled T-SQL and not have it effect performance whatsoever when it’s not being used.I use this “in-line comment block” when I need to quickly toggle between commented and uncommented T-SQL or when I need to be able to globally enable blocks of SQL Code that I have commented out.
I d rather do without the slashes so sqlplus!
But while the star slash (*/) is still effective, it doesn’t cause an error in the top example of there being a comment end block without a comment start block. /* PL SQL block starts here.
SQL Comment Syntax comment-syntax: hide. Example: This example shows how to include comments in an SQL statement within a C program.
In above statement the Employee and department tables are commented by multi-line comments in SQL.The multi-line comments can ignore more than one SQL statements. SQL*Plus doesn’t normally check comments for substitution variables, but the rules change when comments are embedded in a SQL query or a PL/SQL block. I have the same question Show 0 Likes.
This option only affects the processing of line comments. The dash dash does NOT affect the star slash ending comment block characters from ending a slash star comment block. First, there’s the “slash star” (/*) comment block that allows you to comment out multiple rows of SQL.
I find it comes in handy often.
rem or @. Comments are not SQL commands, but can occur within the text of SQL queries passed to sqlite3_prepare_v2() and related interfaces. In Transact-SQL (T-SQL) there are two ways to comment SQL code that are similar to comment options in many programming languages. What are your thoughts?Microsoft Gold Cloud CRM and Gold Cloud Platform Partner While those two comment methods are useful and well known, there is actually a third useful combination that is important to understand. line comment. This syntax differs slightly from standard SQL comment syntax, as discussed in Section, “'--' as the Start of a Comment”. Comments are stored in the history database as part of the query.
The main purpose of comments is to document our code and write descriptions of what code is doing.
From a # character to the end of the line.. From a -- sequence to the end of the line.