It is not required for React but many people enjoy it (and React Native uses a similar mechanism for images). In this tutorial, we are going to learn about how to add images and background images in the react app with the help of examples. I’m trying to access images that are stored within the react app with import instead of putting imgs into the public folder. There’s a plugin for that!We’re so glad you want to help! You can also import SVGs directly as React components. Run command to create file and folder inside the public folder: mkdir css && mkdir images && mkdir js && touch index.html #Adding SVGs. Shopify integration? The We merged and i updated the original post with some react code. As far as I know, I don't think you will be able to load these assets (public/assets) if your project is served under a subdirectory. You can reference files in CSS to import them, too:.Logo { background-image: url(./logo.png); } Photo by Caspar Camille Rubin on Unsplash. … With webpack, using static assets like images and fonts works similarly to CSS.To reduce the number of requests to the server, importing images that are less than 10,000 bytes returns a This ensures that when the project is built, webpack will correctly move the images into the build folder, and provide us with correct paths.webpack finds all relative module references in CSS (they start with Please be advised that this is also a custom feature of webpack.An alternative way of handling static assets is described in the next section.One way to add SVG files was described in the section above. Benefit you get : Same image calling structure for both iOS and android. ReactJS and images in public folder (4) Im new in ReactJS and I want to import images in a component. These images are inside of the public folder and I do not know how to access the folder from the react component. Adding images to components. So let’s get started. The public folder contains the HTML file so you can tweak it, for example, to set the page title.The