Lantern slides showing gas warfare equipment, first aid treatment for gas contamination, and other related subjects, 1918-19 (S).52.3 Photographs of Navy hospitals and dispensaries in Normandy, France and southern England, and showing medical treatment for World War II casualties, 1944 (G).52.4 Black and white and color photographs showing Navy dispensaries, hospitals, hospital ships, medical equipment and instruments, and research activities. 1972-77 (DA) (DAS) (DAB) (DAC) (DAD) (DAF) (DAFC). Composite photographic prints of CCC sites and personnel, 1939-40 (MOPD).35.4 Camp superintendent reports containing photographic prints illustrating the work accomplished by the CCC at twelve camps supervised by the National Park Service, 1933-35 (MP). Also, photographic prints by Lowdermilk documenting the experimental research in erosion control conducted by the Service from 1937-38 in Puerto Rico. 1913-41 (CB) (LS).97.3 Photographs collected or produced by the Bureau of Chemistry and the Bureau of Chemistry and Soils showing agency personnel; dust explosions, including explosions at grain elevators, mills, and manufacturing plants; fires and fire prevention activities; laboratory tests; and exhibits, including exhibits at the 1927 Philadelphia Sesquicentennial International Exposition. Photographs of the interiors of buildings at Camp Ludington-Pere, MI, ca. 1943 (SH).200.44 WILLIAM VANDEL COLLECTION. Portraits of Navy officers, ca 1917-37 (PP).24.2 Photographs, some of paintings and engravings, of Navy chaplains who served from 1790 to 1941, (PNC) (NCP). Shown are fruit trees and orchards, home gardens, canneries, packing houses and storage facilities, and markets. Also shown are the physical and economic benefits of the projects as reflected in the towns, farms, recreation areas, transportation facilities and industries in adjacent areas. Descriptions are usually arranged chronologically. Furthermore, the RdC is the only semi-enclosed bay with artificial dikes, on the French side of the English Channel, representing a veritable enclave of … Photographic prints of Alaska and the Philippine Islands, and snapshots and postcards from Brainard's trips to China, Korea, Russia, Finland, Panama, South America, and a Mediterranean cruise.
1935-69 (NA). Photographic histories of Lion 2 and Lion 4, advance base naval units, ca.
1940-42 (C).69.14 Photographic prints used in the periodic issuance, Report on Progress of the Works Program, 1935-41 (PS).
Photographs entitled "Portrait of America," n.d. (POA). The photographs primarily show World War II bomb destruction to cities and landmarks. Filmstrips on commercial whaling, ca. 1931-37 (MA).127.4 Portraits of USMC commandants and other officers, 1776-1945 (PC) (PG).129.1 Photographs of Bureau of Prisons and Department of Justice personnel, including Attorneys General Robert F. Kennedy, Ramsey Clark, Nicholas Katzenbach, and John Mitchell; Bureau directors Sanford Bates, James Bennett, Myrl Alexander and Norman Carlson; and Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson, 1930-70 (P).129.2 Photographs of Federal penal institutions, including pictures of prison buildings, personnel, prisoners, and recreational and educational activities for the incarcerated, ca. Filmstrips highlighting the newsworthy events of the week, 1938-41 (BB). Also included are scenic views of the Philippine Islands, Japan, and China, 1899-1922 (FKW).165.9 Photographic prints of US and foreign troops in China during the Boxer Rebellion (China Relief Expedition), 1900-01 (CR).165.10 Photographic prints of Mexican Army maneuvers, 1901 (MA). Mounted photographic prints relating to the growing and marketing of fruits.
There are no photographs, however, of the three astronauts. 1935-46 (SS) (WR)114.4 Photographic prints accumulated by the SCS Rapid City, SD regional office to illustrate soil conservation operations and dry land agriculture in North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Wyoming. The album contains original cartoons autographed by the artists.
1942 (GI). Photographic prints of Marine aviators and aircraft, ca. Ca. Several astronauts are also pictured. Also shown are various exhibits of recovered art.
1935-43 (PR). Ca.
Photographic prints showing Japanese atrocities in the Philippine Islands during World War II, (JA). 1941-45 (CO) (COKO) (DEM) (NA) (NE) (S) (SE)208.2 Photographic prints relating to the military operations of US forces during World War II and to the war effort in the United States. 1935-39 (ANP)69.12 Photographic prints showing professionals in New York City working on WPA library and museum service projects, and in other white-collar positions, 1935-39 (NY).69.13 Photographs documenting projects funded by the Public Works Administration, such as the construction of highways, public buildings, bridges, dams, schools, sewer systems, and power plants, 1936-42 (PWA).