What stands out to me is that it makes a point to convey the idea of obsession, drug addiction, love addiction, nightmares, depression etc. hey cure fans out there ..i need help for homework ..we need to pick out a song we like and interpret it..so here is where u guys come in...please let me know what u guys think as for it would come in really handy.... for anyone that doesnt have the lyrics handy i will post the link.. thanksp.s.. some people think its about molestation , drug addiction..hallucinations...etcPersonally, I would say that the song is subject to your own interpretation. People it can mean whatever you want to drug addiction to molestation to just a pure nightmare.
You could also do it yourself at any point in time.It will enhance any encyclopedic page you visit with the magic of the WIKI 2 technology. And it’s late to turn on the light.For Robert Smith the monster is an entity which looks like a spider. *Actually, I do not believe in luck. at the end of the song you can hear robert whisper "so come into my parlor said the spider to the fly, i have a little something here" and he usually sings that line when they play it live. meaning of repetition in waiting for godot 70 mm is hoeveel cm is inch xn 3005 nespresso pixie bundle manto tshabalala msimang's funeral program dating mr elusive mares download ds-82 form epoch r chemo regimen tpf gateway frisco church times in lafayette tiw 200 xs cbeebies keyboard mapping windows 7 problem opening dbz kai z fighters vs androids online … There are many ways in which you can interpret the spider crawling on Robert Smith’s bed. You don't have to take Smith's word for it, a song can have many meanings even if the writer didn't intend them. My best bet is that's what the writer was trying to achieve.Just stick with your first impression, when you delve into other factors especially for homework it make matters complex and asphyxiating. The Cure in 1989 Lullaby is the only song where the impotence of the author is so evident. Cure lead singer Robert Smith wrote this as a wedding present for his fiancée, Mary Poole, shortly before they got married in 1988. Interpretation one: it can be about someone getting raped like when he says "his arms around me, or it's much too late to get away" to the uncomfortableness and awkwardness of when the rape is happening by him saying:" and I feel like I'm being eaten by a thousand …
Lullaby is a 1989 single by The Cure from their album Disintegration. All rights are reserved. The image Image:The Cure Lullaby.ogg is used in this article under a claim of fair use, ... Really, I don't care, but for the fact that many other songs have sections about their possible, proven, or outspoken meanings; as a hit for its time, I think this song deserves similar treatment. The image Image:The Cure Lullaby.ogg is used in this article under a claim of fair use, ... Really, I don't care, but for the fact that many other songs have sections about their possible, proven, or outspoken meanings; as a hit for its time, I think this song deserves similar treatment. Get your answers by asking now.Kamala Harris's secret code name reportedly revealedWallace: Getting fired from 'The View' felt 'personal' But I like to think it's about sexual abuse cause it seems to fit so well with that interpretation. While Smith most often attributes "Lullaby" to childhood nightmares, fans have speculated that it's actually a metaphor for everything from depression to addiction and abuse. The meaning of "Lullaby" has been speculated by fans, including as a metonymy for addiction or depression, and Smith has offered multiple explanations as to its theme or content, such as childhood nightmares or abuse. For any request, By navigating this website, you agree to use cookies. The song is the highest-charting single by the band in their home country, reaching number five on the UK Singles Chart. It has arrived on his candy stripe legs and now Smith has to face it. Tim Pope, a long-time collaborator of The Cure on many of its music videos, interprets "Lullaby" as an allegory for lead singer Robert Smith's druggy past. Développe rapidement et efficacement ta voix pour chanter facilement Découvre les exercices utilisés par les Pros pour bien chanter The Cure : Lullaby paroles et traduction de la chanson . i was almost 100% sure this song was about fearing sex with a woman as female sex could be compared to a spider, or a shivering hole. that's definitely sort of borrowed from the poem. But as i read your opinion i agree it could definitely be about rape. It announces the arrival of the danger, a threat endowed with a sinister power – yet it is almost seductive. The latter interpretation was further fueled by a portion of an MTV interview where Smith talks about the song. The song has been sampled by various artists, including The track was used as the backing to the trailer to the TV show Congratulations on this excellent venture… what a great idea!I use WIKI 2 every day and almost forgot how the original Wikipedia looks like.
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Definitely detrimental in personal interpretation assignments.