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They facilitate emotional and affective regulation through neuroendocrine and neurochemical secretions.Fronto-basal circuits. The precentral gyrus, a part of the frontal lobe immediately anterior to the central sulcus, holds the primary motor cortex, that controls voluntary actions of particular body parts.The frontal lobe comprises the maximum of the dopamine-sensitive neurons in the cerebral cortex. Depositphotos Inc., USA. Posteroinferiorly it is separated from the temporal lobe by the lateral sulcus (Sylvian fiss… Il contient notamment les aires qui contrôlent la coordination musculaire, et les mouvements de la tête et du cou comme la It can be divided into precentral and prefrontal cortex:Image adapted from: NEUROtiker (Own work) [ GFDL, CC-BY-SA-3.0 or CC BY-SA 2.5-2.0-1.0 ], via Wikimedia CommonsThe frontal lobe, and especially the prefrontal cortex, is the cortical area most widely connected to the rest of the brain. La partie à l’avant de la tête est connu comme le lobe frontal. This ability is called theory of mind.Reflection about our knowledge and interests and ability to communicate them.Control of reinforcing stimuli to motivate us to perform the cognitive processes and behaviors that we should perform.Sequencing, coordination and execution of motor behaviors.Ability to understand the language of others and produce our own.Next, the executive functions will be described in greater depth because of their great importance in humans.Executive functions could be defined as the last step in the control, regulation and direction of human behavior. The lateral cortical surface of the temporal lobe is located below the sylvian fissure. The most usual are:Reflection of Babinski. Il correspond à un choc au niveau du crâne qui peut provoquer des lésions cérébrales, notamment au niveau du lobe frontal. Other processes, in which damage can occur include head injuries such as traumatic brain injuries contracted following accidents,  frontal lobe epilepsy that can occur at any age and Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease that causes dementia symptoms.Some other consequences of frontal lobe damage include: The most frequent alterations are:Temporal organization of memory. Le lobe frontal se situe à l’avant du cerveau, sous l’os frontal. The syndrome, due to damage to the frontal lobe, better known is the prefrontal syndrome that will be described below.The first well-documented description of a case of this syndrome was made by Harlow (1868) about the case of Phineas Gage, over time this case has continued to be studied and today is one of the best known in the field of psychology (cited in León-Carrión & Barroso, 1997).Phineas was working on the tracks of a train when he had an accident while compacting gunpowder with an iron bar.It seems that a spark came to the gunpowder and it exploded by throwing the iron bar directly at his head. Patients have problems ordering events over time.Amnesias, especially for injuries produced in the orbital area.The executive functions are the most affected in patients with frontal lesions, given that a complex elaboration and the integration and coordination of several components are necessary for its correct performance.People with a frontal syndrome are unable to form a goal, plan, carry out actions in an orderly manner and analyze the results obtained. Le lobe frontal (du grec lobos) constitue une des régions du cerveau située à l’avant de la boîte crânienne. L'immagine è disponibile per il download in alta risoluzione fino a 5800x5800.© 2009-2020. Les causes sont variées et peuvent notamment être d’origine dégénérative, vasculaire ou tumorale, certaines pathologies Traumatisme crânien. The language is very limited and it is reduced to short phrases.Subvocal language. Frontal Lobe: The frontal lobe is the largest of the four major lobes of the cerebral cortex in the brain.