Le Lac de la Rosière. Please choose a different date.Would you recommend this place or activity to a friend looking for an Courchevel 1650m Site Naturel du Lac de la Rosière, 73120, Courchevel FranceIn winter, the path/road from Moriond to the lake is car free (and should be skier free) and bashed, so is a great walk on foot (use snow boots) or snow shoe. Azimut (159) 2.6 mi ££££ French. Départ du Lac de la Rosière à Courchevel 1650.Monter par le sentier en forêt en direction de la Dent du Villard (ravins à côté). SnowLimits Ski School The chalet has a small sitting area with a wood stove and a room for twenty people.
Courchevel 1650m Site Naturel du Lac de la Rosière, 73120, Courchevel France.
229 Restaurants within 5 miles. We also did the Via Ferrata here which was good fun and quite accessible (my 8 year old came with me). With Italian influences, a laid-back vibe and access to five new runs and extensive off-piste, La Rosière is a near-perfect ski destination, says Mary Novakovich Choisissez une autre date. Se garer au parking du lac. Beautiful calm waters and a great picnic spot.Amazing and worthwhile walk, just needs better signage!Well, even us four-legged fuzzy wuzzies know that in September, there probably isn't going to be any snow, but we went anyway because Dad's an outdoorsy sort of guy and Mum was attached to my lead, so we sort of ended up at Courchevel 1650 going down the 45 degree path together.This is a little bit out of the way, but well worth a visit.
Beautiful calm waters and a great picnic spot.Amazing and worthwhile walk, just needs better signage!Well, even us four-legged fuzzy wuzzies know that in September, there probably isn't going to be any snow, but we went anyway because Dad's an outdoorsy sort of guy and Mum was attached to my lead, so we sort of ended up at Courchevel 1650 going down the 45 degree path together.This is a little bit out of the way, but well worth a visit.
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Best nearby. As a reward for getting down there, and for sustenance for the climb back up (height gain/loss around 150 meters ICan be accessed via road rather than from a more dramatic descent on foot through the woodsThe road leading down to the lake is rather narrow at the start, and that encouraged us to walk down the road rather than take the car, but within several minutes the road enlarged, and there were several cars at the parking lot down below, close to the picnic area and lake. Ski & Snowboard Areas. Carto : Carte IGN Top 25 - …
Autres activités de plein air. Please choose a different date.Would you recommend this place or activity to a friend looking for an Courchevel 1650m Site Naturel du Lac de la Rosière, 73120, Courchevel FranceIn winter, the path/road from Moriond to the lake is car free (and should be skier free) and bashed, so is a great walk on foot (use snow boots) or snow shoe. Please choose a different date.Sorry, there are no tours or activities available to book online for the date(s) you selected.
Le Close-Up (126) 4.9 mi ££ - £££ French. Du sommet, suivre la crête et passer les cols de la Chal et de la Dent puis descente vers le parking au bord du lac.. Temps montée : 2h Temps descente : 3h.
This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of Sorry, there are no tours or activities available to book online for the date(s) you selected.
Lac de La Rosiere in the region of Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes France is a lake view worth the climb to the top of the hill. See all. Voir carte.
Nº 7 sur 42 Activités de plein air à Courchevel.
1850 Lac de la Rosière vers Courchevel La Tania 40 places 1520 m P Se rendre au lac Été 2018 Bureau des guides : 06 23 92 46 12 Site Naturel Courchevel - Lac de la Rosière www.mairie-courchevel.com Mairie de Courchevel - crédits photos Patrick Pachod, Noël Pelegrin, Christian Arnal, Courchevel Tourisme - 5000 exemplaires. A small chalet warmed with a wood stove welcomes you to enjoy hot drinks, local and/or organic products and spend a pleasant time. Pour redescendre prenez le sentier des mille marches. 229 Restaurants within 5 miles. The water has the most amazing colour. Courchevel 1650m Site Naturel du Lac de la Rosière, 73120, Courchevel France.
Lac de La Rosiere in the region of Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes France is a lake view worth the climb to the top of the hill.
As a reward for getting down there, and for sustenance for the climb back up (height gain/loss around 150 meters ICan be accessed via road rather than from a more dramatic descent on foot through the woodsThe road leading down to the lake is rather narrow at the start, and that encouraged us to walk down the road rather than take the car, but within several minutes the road enlarged, and there were several cars at the parking lot down below, close to the picnic area and lake.