If you continue to allow this war to be fought on the Empire’s terms, not yours, you are going to lose… I hope, senator, after you’ve lost, and the Empire reigns over the galaxy unopposed, you will find some comfort in the knowledge that you fought according to the rules.”Young rebels Ezra Bridger and Sabine Wren were on the fence about Gerrera’s methods – all they saw was that he got results. Saw also knew how to operate a blaster.Despite him being an exceptional fighter in the physical sense before his crippling injuries, Saw's greatest attribute was his intellect and leadership skills as a military tactician, which only improved and sharpened over time. But before Rash could recommence the execution, Tandin and the Onderon militia arrive to save them, having been convinced by Saw's arguments and helped them escape. Saw's name was derived from the Argentine Marxist revolutionary Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.This article or section is in need of referencing per Wookieepedia's Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up to date.Please update the article to reflect recent events, and remove this template when finished.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Onderon re-joined the Republic just in time for Sheev Palpatine to declare himself emperor and extinguish the light of liberty on twelve million worlds.It would appear that all of Saw Gerrera’s sacrifices had been for nothing – but this tragedy would only strengthen his resolve…Planet Geonosis – a dusty world where subterranean insectoids once mass-produced weaponry for the Separatists. As expected, the rebels rose out of the crowd to free both men, and as he feared, it was a trap, as droids emerged from the crowd, cutting off their escape. We lost the last war because of you. Nachdem die Galaktische Republik in das Galaktisches Imperium umgewand…
Aufgrund der vielen Angriffe, breitete sich jedoch Angst unter der Bevölkerung aus, obwohl es bis dato keine zivilen Opfer zu beklagen gab.Saw Gerrera, Steela Gerrera und Lux Bonteri im Versteck der RebellenWährend, die sich aufgeteilten Rebellen in der Stadt kleinere Angriffe unternahmen, schaltete Saw zwei Kampfdroiden aus, ehe diese einen Zivilisten mitnehmen konnten. Saw Gerrera was a male Human who lived on Onderon in the days prior to and during the Clone Wars. Following a successful defense of their position, Later, Gererra accompanied Bonteri, Steela, Tano, Kenobi, Skywalker, and Rex into the capital city where they split up to find supplies and reinforcements. Refusing to be discouraged, Steela pointed out that since the droid could not be stopped before reaching the nest, the fort had to be fortified for the incoming invasion. Saw Gerrera was a Human male rebel who served in the rebellion to take control of the planet Onderon from its king who had sided with the Separatists during the Clone Wars. Entertainment Weekly revealed the character's appearance in Rogue One on June 22, 2016. He felt responsible for the death of his sister, Steela, felt that he failed his homeworld of Onderron after the Empire rose to power, and despite justifying his reasons for doing so, deeply regretted abandoning Jyn Erso and leaving her on her own. Appearances Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, Star Wars Rebels – "Ghosts of Geonosis", Star Wars Rebels – "In the Name of the Rebellion", "Crossing the Line"—Star Wars Rebels Animation-Magazine 4, Guardians of the Whills, Rogue One: A … Gerrera was a ruthless and headstrong yet successful leaderAs a seasoned veteran of the Clone Wars, Saw Gerrera was a skilled and cunning fighter and commander.
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