The JTextArea class provides a component that displays multiple lines of text and optionally allows the user to edit the text. Common examples include comments, descriptions and content management system administration interfaces like Wordpress.
They are pretty simple elements to manage, but operate differently than their single line siblings, the input field.Remember to always limit the number of rows and columns displayed, so your textareas are rendered at an appropriate size.
decrese height of text area height: 90% ( check it what you want ) and give style element in input submit and increase height and width for that – Vaibhav Jul 23 '16 at 19:44 The answer from @NagaSaiA already helped me but thanks anyways :) – Alexander Jul 23 '16 at 19:57 The standard input attributes, like name, placeholder, tabindex and id are available.But you should almost always define the cols (columns) and rows values to control the textarea's rendered size. Setting TextArea Size The text area size is determined using the attributes "rows" and "cols".
If you have every completed a form that required an opened ended answer then most likely you used a textarea. JavaTpoint offers college campus training on Core Java, Advance Java, .Net, Android, Hadoop, PHP, Web Technology and Python.
These are fairly common input field events.
You will learn how to apply different formats, control state, add placeholder text and make it comply with material design guidelines.An HTML textarea is a multi-line input field designed to collect larger, free-form text from a user. To make it simple I added a 'placeholder' class to the label to force the positioning. You may also need to verify a minimal number of characters or words are supplied.
It can hold unlimited number of characters and the texts are displayed in a fixed-width font (usually courier).The size of the HTML textarea is defined by