It includes the following instructions −Instructions to transfer the instruction during an execution without any condition −Instructions to transfer the instruction during an execution with some conditions −These instructions are used to control the processor action by setting/resetting the flag values.These instructions are used to execute the given instructions for number of times. Featured on Meta The Overflow Blog Example: Following is the list of instructions under this group −These instructions are used to call the interrupt during program execution. I am trying to make a loop. Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkersProgramming & related technical career opportunitiesAssuming you know how to implement comparisons and conditional jumps in assembly already, rewrite the code using But in emu8086, I can only use ax,bx,cx and dx! The loop continues forever after CL becomes zero and it changes the CX value to FFFFh. I don't see the point, though, just count ones in the loop. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader.
Instructions in Microprocessor 8086/8088 Prof. Fayez F. M. El-Sousy Objectives of Program Control Instructions in Microprocessor 8086/8088 Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to: Use both conditional and unconditional jump instructions to control the flow of a program. But if I change the value of CL to maximum 06h, the loop stops properly. The LODS, LODSB, LODSW, and LODSD instructions can be preceded by the REP prefix for block loads of ECX bytes, words, or doublewords. Algorithm: shift all bits left, the bit that goes off is set to CF and previous value of CF is inserted to the right-most position. For example, the following code snippet can be used for executing the loop-body 10 times. (Usually peeling the run-zero-times check is better than jumping to the bottom of the loop like you're doing here in your while loop… I've seen an SO question or comment that said something like "I thought you had to declare loops", and didn't realize that loop was just an instruction. Use both conditional and unconditional loop instructions The following code is for assembly 8086, I'm looping using but if I change the value of CL to maximum 06h, the loop stops properlyIf I change the last bit of DATA to 1 it will make the JC SKIP and everything works just fineThanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! More often, however, these instructions are used within a LOOP construct because further processing of the data moved into the register is usually necessary before the next transfer can be made. What are instruction sets? You can get the count of zeros by doing Thank you for this detailed explanation (and re-formatting the question ;) ), I appreciate it. Microprocessor Microcontroller 8086. For the other loop conditions you can take a register of your liking. Following are the list of instructions under this group −These instructions are used to perform arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc.Following is the list of instructions under this group −These instructions are used to perform operations where data bits are involved, i.e. When immediate is greater then 1, assembler generates several RCL xx, 1 instructions because 8086 has machine code only for this instruction (the same principle works for all other shift/rotate instructions). The 8086 microprocessor supports 8 types of instructions − Data Transfer Instructions Arithmetic Instructions Bit Manipulation Instructions String Instructions Program Execution Transfer Instructions (Branch & Loop Instructions) Processor Control Instructions Iteration Control Instructions Interrupt Instructions Let us now discuss these instruction sets in detail. Algorithm: shift all bits left, the bit that goes off is set to CF and previous value of CF is inserted to the right-most position.