... We can make iframe responsive using bootstrap. Any suggestions how to remove the large white space gap between the video and the text that follows? Kudos to Gregory Gan for his amazing post and tip!Back in late 2012 it was not easy to find open source projects using A while back I read a very interesting article by MooTools core developer Very useful trick for displaying responsive (video) embeds.If you have access to the iframe target site as well, you can also write a solution based on the postMessage API to send the inner content height to the parent site.Back in 2016 I used a JS-approach to do the same. His solution is similar to Tom’s Codepen javascript above.There are other types of embedded iFrames of the “media” variety. Description. Create responsive video or slideshow embeds based on the width of the parent by creating an intrinsic ratio that scales on any device. Wrap iframe with div wrapper and add class esponsive-embed. I’m coding this by hand so not using any framework. You can use the aspect ratios such as 21by9, 16by9, 4by3, 1by1to embed video in a page.The following example demonstrates this − That snippet of code made it all work. Bootstrap responsive iframe Css Class Example. Responsive web design revolutionized the web and spurred a movement away from native apps to web apps easily customizable for a mobile environment.
It had to stick to the to the sides (that part is easy). thanks from a novice. We use media queries and non-pixel-based dimensions to make responsive design easier; in fact, To make your IFRAME responsive you'll need to wrap it in a The CSS above is all it takes to turn a problematic, static IFRAME into a reactive element that's as easy to manipulate as an image. The behaviour is much like a frameset with fixed height top and bottom frames.I have issue with a WP “Accordion” Plugin from @siteorigin, as usual every body pointed the finger at other plugins, fixed the iframe issue, the plugin set the width & height of the Iframe to 0 if the accordion was set to be closed while page load.Hi, I’m not very sophisticated in CSS and appreciate Dave’s post which seems to work well for me in making the Youtube video responsive. Responsive web design revolutionized the web and spurred a movement away from native apps to web apps easily customizable for a mobile environment. The iframe responsive is a very common issue, many developers face it. Use the predefined .embed-responsive class and the aspect ratio modifier class like .embed-responsive-16by9. If you click the save button, your code will be saved, and you get an URL you can share with others.All code in shared files are supplied by users, and belongs to the poster.All shared files are made public. Save to Google Drive. But I’m getting a lot of blank white space between the bottom of my responsive embedded video and the text that follows it. No license is enforced.Any code can be removed without warning (if it is deemed offensive, damaging or for any other reason).w3schools.com are not responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any kind during the usage of provided code.If you have a Google account, you can save this code to your Google Drive.Google will ask you to confirm Google Drive access.If you have saved a file to Google Drive, you can open it here:Create a responsive video and scale it nicely to the parent element with an 16:9 aspect ratio Iframe responsive change from device to device.
Aspect Ratios. All of the frameworks and preset ratios are even limiting. Google will ask you to confirm Google Drive access. IFRAME elements cause an all together different […] And be resizable.
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