Hmm so only certain things in DB4 can be used in reality anyways. Kagari ist ein Genin aus Amegakure, der an dem Chunin-Examen teilnahm. Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto, Shikamaru, Kiba, Hinata, Ino, Choji und Shino werden Genin Team 7, Team 8 und Team 10 werden gegründet Hauptcharaktere nehmen am Chunin-Auswahl-Examen teil Suna-/Oto-Invasion auf Konoha Hiruzens Tod Sasuke trifft Itachi wieder Naruto, Jiraiya, Orochimaru und Kabuto suchen nach Tsunade Tsunade wird Hokage
They are first warned that, if they answer the question incorrectly, they will not be allowed to take the exams ever again; if they forfeit - which also disqualifies the rest of their team - before hearing the question, they will be allowed to retake the exams another time. Euch entstehen dadurch keine zusätzlichen Kosten.Manche der angegebenen Links hier sind Affiliate-Links. it's bout an tourament that once you pass, you will become an Chunin… Die Prüfungen hierfür finden zweimal jährlich statt. Genin are forbidden from opening either scroll until they have reached the central building. The finals consisted of one-on-one tournament battles. Es werden Spoiler-Informationen angezeigt! This also allows news of the matchups to get around and attract greater publicity for the event. Alternately, teams that already have both scrolls can linger outside the building, taking scrolls from others to reduce the competition of later stages. Forty-five minutes in to the first stage, genin are given the opportunity to answer the tenth question. Although the exams, specifically the final round matches, are designed for there to be an ultimate "winner", success does not guarantee promotion nor does failure preclude it; if the observing ninja and Having too many participants to advance to the next stages seems to be an undesired result, as the examiners tend to run additional preliminaries to reduce the number of finalists. Rachin123 wrote: @Namikaze You mean Shukaku. Neji will prove resilient due to his visual prowess however he'll lose once gaara binds him with sand because without hands and feet beca... This happens to be a trick question as all members of a team must be present in order to be qualified for the second round.Because too many genin passed the first phase, a preliminary round was held, where the first 30 teams to reach the Because of attacks on the Kazekage and one of the exam's The actual objective of the exam is for genin, once dropped into the pit, to not get any of the ink that pools at the bottom of each pit on themselves. Lee pushed Gaara to ''his'' limits as ... If a team loses their starting scroll they are not automatically disqualified, as they may use the remaining time to acquire another copy of the scroll they've lost. Das heißt, Fandom verdient eine Provision, wenn ihr über einen dieser Links etwas kauft.
Tenten und ihr Team bestanden den ersten Teil der Prüfung, den schriftlichen, durch Schummeln, wobei Neji sein Byakugan nutzte und Tenten Spiegel an der Decke so bewegte, dass Lee abgucken konnte und machten dann bei dem zweiten Teil mit, dem Wald des Schreckens. By not falling in the ink, genin demonstrate quick thinking and a willingness to persevere despite apparent failure, thus allowing them to continue to the second stage. Echt Cool Für Naruto Fan'S. Participants' advancement to the finals is no longer contingent upon the success of their teammates; it is for this excuse that The finals are held a month after the completion of the preliminaries so that finalists have a chance to recuperate and prepare. As the second stage goes on, teams that have lost their scroll will tend to gather around the building, hoping to prey on on those with both. By the same extension, acquiring both scrolls does not guarantee completion of the second stage, as they still must reach the centre building in time. Eine unauffällige, aber notwendige Rolle in einem Kampf mit Hilfe des Gen-Jutsu. Auch führen sie kleinere Shinobi-Trupps an, die im Feindesland operieren. That's completely unfair anyways. Four teams passed the previous round and made it into the finals.