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There currently are 21 Airbus satellites in Arianespace’s backlog.EUTELSAT 7C was the 66th satellite based on a Maxar’s platform to be launched by Arianespace. It is also designed with a steerable beam for flexible coverage. It will exclusively use electric propulsion for orbit raising as well as station keeping and will provide service for a minimum of 15 years.All-electric satellites provide efficient solutions for satellite operators by reducing launch mass while retaining payload performance. Liftoff from the European Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana occurred on schedule at the start of a 47 minute launch window that opened at 21:43 UTC.
Manufactured by Maxar Technologies, EUTELSAT 7C is a 3.4 tonne high-power all-electric satellite carrying 49 36-Mhz equivalent Ku-band transponders.
This improved two-satellite constellation with enhanced coverage flexibility and connectivity will take the 7° East neighbourhood to a new level. Satbeams has updated its cookie policy. PRESS RELEASE Businesswire . Eutelsat Communications’ EUTELSAT 7C satellite has entered full commercial service and is ready to support broadcast customers across Africa, Europe, the Middle East and Turkey.Manufactured by Maxar Technologies, EUTELSAT 7C is a 3.4 tonne high-power all-electric satellite carrying 49 36-Mhz equivalent Ku-band transponders. Eutelsat 7C satellite technical details, its charts, beams and coverage maps (footprints). West) following its deployment by Ariane 5, with a coverage area that will include the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico.
It will also be equipped with a beam providing enhanced capacity for government services over Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia, as well as a steerable beam that can cover any region visible from 7° East.“EUTELSAT 7C will help us meet ongoing demand for broadcast content delivery in a fast-growing communications environment,” said Rodolphe Belmer, chief executive officer of Eutelsat.
Scheduled for launch by end 2020, and to be located at 48° East, EUTELSAT QUANTUM will offer extensive coverage of the MENA region and beyond.
“The EUTELSAT 7C spacecraft has advanced capabilities that demonstrate the flexibility and power of the SSL satellite platform.”By almost doubling capacity over Sub-Saharan Africa, from 22 to 42 transponders, EUTELSAT 7C will have room for several hundred additional digital channels to support the region’s fast expanding TV market. Using a software-based design, EUTELSAT QUANTUM will be the first universal satellite to repeatedly adjust to business requirements. However, this may result in some functions no longer being available. SSL’s all-electric satellites are derived from SSL’s extensive electric propulsion heritage that includes 19 satellites launched with electric propulsion since 2004 representing 53,000 hours of on-orbit thruster operation.As a pioneer in the field of electric propulsion, Maxar’s extensive experience includes in excess of 100,000 hours of active electric propulsion thruster operation across more than 30 spacecraft currently in orbit.We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website.
Airbus Defence and Space France is prime contractor for T-16, which will be the 130th spacecraft from this constructor to be launched by Arianespace.
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EUTELSAT 7C SATELLITE EUTELSAT 7C is a high-power broadcast satellite for markets in Africa, Europe, Middle East and Turkey. Eutelsat Communications’ EUTELSAT 7C satellite has entered full commercial service and is ready to support broadcast customers across Africa, Europe, the Middle East and Turkey. It was also the 56th based on Maxar’s 1300 class platform to be launched by this launch provider.EUTELSAT 7C is an all Ku-band satellite equipped with 44 operational transponders to provide service from 7 degrees East longitude. © Copyright ThorGroup GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved During the night of 27-28 January 2020, the Eutelsat teams migrated a number of services from EUTELSAT 7A to EUTELSAT 7C, including Turkish Pay-TV platform Digiturk, Turkish national broadcaster TRT, and Globecast UK for coverage across Europe and the Middle East. Explore more about the cookies we use. EUTELSAT 7C is an all Ku-band satellite equipped with 44 operational transponders to provide service from 7 degrees East longitude. Ariane 5 returned to action on Thursday with the dual passenger launch of two telecommunications satellites, AT&T T-16 and Eutelsat 7C. You can change these settings at any time. West to 119 deg.