Click on the province that you want to change your home node to. If it cant then you're losing the majority of americas too aside from the nodes that actually go back to asia (mexico/california pull to nippon and girin)
If you control Seville and or Constantinople Genoa is the best. It was last verified for Please help with verifying or updating this section. If you have full control of the land in EC it means nobody else has their home there, and the trade power penalty you get from collecting in non-home is irrelevant; you'll get 100% of the trade. Crusader Kings III is soon upon us and you can pre order it today! Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.The trade system in game can be summarized as follows: Can exceed 50 with these bonus. This, in turn, will ensure your continued survival throughout the game history and, as the Industrial Revolution closes in, put you in the best position possible to steamroll the world as its foremost industrial power. wc as a horde, 1510, i own everything east of the hre except africa. If you go EC, you are losing Persia/Hormuz and to the west of it, including Gulf since you can't circle Africa. The English Channel centers are all concentrated around the Straits of Dover (a minor exaggeration, but the point is that you will have a shorter border). It was last verified for Please help with verifying or updating this section.
It was last verified for Please help with verifying or updating this section. Only a few new world go to Venice and they need to go the long way through Asia.let me add more specifics. Having more than five merchants will not increase the boost further.
Embargo Efficiency can be increased by the following: It was last verified for Please help with verifying or updating this section. don't recall if ivory coast can be pulled up into inner africa.
In my recent (and first and only) Castile/Spain game, I found myself at a loss as to where I should place my 4th merchant to get anything more than a minimal benefit. It was last verified for Please help with verifying or updating this section. As I recall, there were more diversion points in early versions and trade steering was more valuable. Nominated. - Channel and Sevilla (for AI game that is), but all depends where player is located - because e.g.
I've always found that the trade power for the Genoa node is too spread out - you need to control Southern France, Western Italy, and Eastern Spain to monopolise it. Money in this global trade network can flow between trade nodes in unidirectional trade routes as well as terminate at end nodes. as of now i collect from constantinople but i see my russian route wasted, not funThe AE from conquering the channel will be lower. Trade power abroad receives the following bonuses: In the vanilla game, this folder only contains one file 00_tradenodes.txt. Working off of memory, the 5 nodes EC can't get trade from are Venice, Genoa, Safi, Sevilla, and Tunis. If you fully control either properly you will have way more money than you could ever spend. Trade value is the sum of locally produced goods and the inputs from trade nodes flowing in (upstream), and minus the value forwarded to other trade nodes (downstream). Antwerpen.
Click it and it will change your home node to that province. It was last verified for Please help with verifying or updating this section. EC can make more money than Genoa due to the extended trade routes that EC has access to but Genoa doesn't.
JavaScript is disabled. It was last verified for Please help with verifying or updating this section. Any fleet that contains light ships can be sent on a privateering mission to any trade node within trade range.
While most great oriental nations (Mamluks, Ottomans and Ming), and those dominating the end nodes (England, Aragon/Spain, Venice), do not struggle in controlling their home trade nodes, for other countries, it is often a nightmare to merely secure the trade benefits that derive from their production. Hi all, Usually, I make a lot of light ships and put 5 or 6 of them in each of my trade nodes. Jump to navigation Jump to search. It was last verified for Please help with verifying or updating this section. However.. english channel had mostly cloth which rises from 3.60 to like 4. something, and only 4 or 5 fish resources and only 1 bronze resource with multiple iron resources (based at 4.5 for bronze and 3.0 for iron). To that end, I vassalized 2 electors(BBurg and Saxony, they made the mistake of allying Poland, they know better now) and intend to vassalize a 3rd while I reduce Austria to smithereens, feeding it to Styria. If no merchant is currently collecting outside the home node, then the home node receives a 10% bonus to trade power for each merchant steering trade there.
Let me add some more crucial info. Name the trade nodes of EU4 for patch 1.30. Since it's a WC, I not only want to get a lot of money from trade, but also to optimize overextension.
If you go for Genoa, you basically keep your current route and extend it. Placing the mouse over each nation icon breaks down the penalties in each shared trade node. Looking at the trade map, Venice simply can't get some routes, whereas Genoa can virtually (that is, in a WC scenario) collect from every single route, right?
Home node Genoa and collect in EC. The trade screen shows icons for each nation embargoed and those embargoing your nation. Please help with verifying or updating this section.
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