Please re-enable javascript in your browser settings. Greater than or equal to: a >= b 5. Ist die Bedingung wahr, werden die Code-Zeilen zwischen den geschweiften Klammern { }, auch Block genannt, ausgeführt. The source for this interactive example is stored in a GitHub repository. Wenn Sie noch kein Konto erstellt haben, werden Sie nach der Anmeldung dazu aufgefordert. While using this site, you agree to have read and accepted our If you'd like to contribute to the data, please check out However, unlike else, for which there can be at most one statement, there can be an arbitrary number of elif statements following an if. This JavaScript tutorial explains how to use the if-else statement with syntax and examples.In JavaScript, the if-else statement is used to execute code when a condition is TRUE, or execute different code if the condition evaluates to FALSE.There are different syntaxes for the if-else statement.You use the if syntax, when you want to execute statements only when the The syntax for the if statement followed by an else in JavaScript is:You use this syntax, when you want to execute one set of statements when the The syntax for the else if statement in JavaScript is:The else if is created by nesting multiple if statements. Search. Der Effekt ist jedoch derselbe, wie im vorangegangenen Code. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding. syntax if expression1: statement(s) elif expression2: statement(s) elif expression3: statement(s) else: statement(s) Core Python does not provide switch or case statements as in other languages, but we can use if..elif...statements to … You use this syntax, when you want to execute one set of statements when The following is example using the if-else statement in JavaScript:In this if-else statement example, the code will execute different statements depending on the value of the In this example, the following will be output to the While using this site, you agree to have read and accepted our We use advertisements to support this website and fund the development of new requires javascript to work properly. Wie else erweitert es eine if -Kontrollstruktur, um alternative Befehle auszuführen, wenn die ursprüngliche if -Bedingung nicht zutrifft. The compatibility table on this page is generated from structured data.
W3Schools is optimized for learning, testing, and training. Die if-Anweisung führt Anweisungen aus, wenn eine bestimmte Bedingung zu true ausgewertet wird.
Use elseto specify a block of code to be executed, if the same condition is false 3. So wird in diesem einfachen Beispiel nur die Meldung „fuenf“ am Bildschirm erscheinen, wenn die … If dayW = DayOfWeek.Wednesday Then If hour = 14 Or hour = 15 Then Return True Else Return False End If ElseIf dayW = DayOfWeek.Thursday Then If hour = 12 Then Return True Else Return False End If Else Return False End If End Function End Module 'This example displays output like the following: 'Time Check is False.
If you'd like to contribute to the interactive examples project, please clone Um zu sehen wie das funktioniert, ist es hilfreich, die verschachtelten Anweisungen einzurücken:Um mehrere Anweisungen in einer Klausel auszuführen, muss eine Man sollte den primitiven boolean-Datentyp nicht mit dem Wenn es nötig ist, eine Zuweisung in einer Bedingungs-Anweisunge zu benutzen, dann sollten Klammern um die Zuweisung gesetzt werden. Less than or equal to: a <= b 3. Beispiel für mehrzeilige SyntaxMultiline syntax example 2. In JavaScript, the if-else statement is used to execute code when a condition is TRUE, or execute different code if the condition evaluates to FALSE. 1. Java supports the usual logical conditions from mathematics: 1. The if/else statement executes a block of code if a specified condition is true. morning" elseif, wie der Name schon sagt, ist eine Kombination aus if und else. 18:00:If the hour is less than 18, create a "Good day" Help; Tips; Dictionary; History; Forums; Contact; Home. if-else (C#-Referenz) if-else (C# Reference) 07/20/2015; 3 Minuten Lesedauer; In diesem Artikel. The if/else statement is a part of JavaScript's "Conditional" Statements, which are used to perform different actions based on different conditions. It is just a series of if statements, where each if is a part of the else clause of the previous statement. Try the following code to learn how to implement an if-else-if statement in JavaScript. Java has the following conditional statements: 1. Melden Sie sich an, um die Vorteile eines MDN-Kontos zu nutzen. Computer dictionary definition for what else if / elsif means including related links, information, and terms. otherwise a "Good evening":If you want to report an error, or if you want to make a suggestion, do not hesitate to send us an e-mail: Dieser Artikel enthält einige Beispiele, die die Verwendung der If...Then...Else-Anweisung veranschaulichen:This article includes several examples that illustrate uses of the If...Then...Elsestatement: 1. Updated: 06/30/2019 by Computer Hope.