Weather Pack terminals, Weather Pack connectors, Weather Pack seals, and Weather Pack tools are shown with specifications, Delphi Packard part numbers, and helpful Weather Pack assembly tips.
0000007723 00000 n
Toll Free: 800-989-9632; Phone: 248-362-0790; Fax: 800-989-0824;
Delphi Connectors
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White Products sells to distributors and small OEMs. �ʁ��.��Vx���ԻF�s�J��%.���~ʫn.؇^*��n�l����T�����P;e���&�ZSRU����ج+Ov�2=��L�)������ț�?�;�bhNΧ��a������xN.+Ͼ+��ތu�^�{��GE2�F��꤮-���tլJxO�3�5���[�s�Ws"i����㚆��Mƨ��Y���뙩�M�+�7��j���j�A��{./2]M�����{N�|�mRo�v��ɂ���V#8H���)�~W(�>�F��?�����â4e��`��o0*�����`6��u'����8���{2 �Pk^rS�I��i�7�17&G}���h9���6�w �s�O+QF0b�ɴ�V����ح̛+����X�� �/�V0��|���]�q�®o:�/�.��tvt��g��YX����²���T�����)��_���5�������ƇG�S.
Delphi’s I/O connectors and cable assemblies are ideal for applications that require small, lightweight interfaces such as computers, digital equipment, networking
We supply a limited range of Delphi Metri Pack series and Delphi Weather Pack Series connectors, terminals, cavity plugs and seals, all available online and delivered to your door.
They’re not stored on your computer and they don't contain any personal data.
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