Copyright The Web Developer Guide 2019. Or should it be the other way around.I say this because a lot of developers will automatically set the z-index of an element to a high number (something like 999) and this okay because it’s definitely going to overlap the page with such a high value, but doesn’t take into account scenarios where you have two or more overlapping elements action and open at the same time.This might not ever be a scenario you need to worry about, but if you think it might be then it’s a good idea to come up with a more sensible z-index valuation system.For example, you can always image the base layer of your website to have a z-index value of 0. Well, the next thing to investigate is the order of your HTML elements and how you’ve applied your z-index property to them.Here’s a pretty good example how the CSS z-index works in a real-world scenario that might just fix your problem.The CSS z-index property works by assigning the property with a numeric value to any element.
This could’ve been achieved a little easier than I’ve done it in this example, but I wanted to demonstrate the z-index element hierarchy in action.Because I’ve added the sub navigation links first, I have to specifically assign them a higher z-index than the navigation panel. It's one way you can support this site!As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This only happens if canvas is greater than 256X256 px in size. If you’ve ever used any kind of decent image editing/creation software like Photoshop, GIMP or maybe even Canva, then will no doubt have come across the concept of layers: the ability place images, shapes, text and anything else you might use on top of each other to create a stunning effect or display.That’s what the CSS z-index property can do for your website design.Okay, you’ve read the section above and have a pretty good grip on the concept of the z-index property. Z-index is a CSS property that allows you to position HTML elements in layers on top of one another. Wrap both h1 and canvas with the fixed div and solves the issue − If then you decide you need another element to overlap and it’s more important to the user to display it over the top of the previous overlapping element, then set it to 2 and so on.This way, you can always guaranteed the right overlay will be displayed to the user. The blue layer (layer 1) is set to a z-index of 1, so layer 2 will be displayed on top.But what if we set layer 2 to have a z-index of 1? You might think that layer 1 would take precedence and layer 2 would be hidden behind it, but that’s not what happens.Because layer 2 uses absolute positioning and its HTML element is underneath layer 1, it takes precedence. And the modal is a child element of the content element.Because the modal is inside the content element, its So its children, including the modal, can’t break out of that (You can remember it with this slightly depressing metaphor: a child can be limited by its parents, and can’t break free of them. )Now, the modal element is a sibling element to the two others. La propriété z-index définit le « z-order » (NdT : « ordre z » n'est pas usité) d'un élément positionné et de ses éléments fils ou de ses éléments flexibles (les enfants d'un élément avec display: flex).Lorsque des éléments se chevauchent, le z-order détermine l'ordre des différentes couches que formeront les éléments. What is z-index? If you purchase through those links, I may receive a commission from the seller, at no cost to yourself. Then, whenever an option is clicked a sub menu is displayed over the top of the floating navigation menu and the main content. According to this rule, elements that come later in the markup will be on top of elements that come before them. That is, they exist at the same level in the markup (this is different from z-index level).
To do this we’re using the absolute positioning CSS property along with the z-index property.As you can see, the orange layer (layer 2) is the layer on top. Sign up to get emails about new posts and other info. Z-index is a CSS property that allows you to position HTML elements in layers on top of one another. TL;DR: the most common cause for z-index not working is not explicitly declaring a CSS position value (i.e. : CSS Level 2 (Revision 1)