Arrêtez-vous quelques minutes pour l'écouter conter le récit étonnant de ce chemin de croix datant de plus de 270 ans!La couleuvre est-elle un reptile? Looking for birds? • Equipment must be returned before noon.Also get a 30% discount on three-hour windsurfing lessons on weekdays (10 a.m. to 1 p.m.).Réveil de la nature au printemps et magie des sous-bois au Calvaire d'Oka.Beau temps, mauvais temps, c’est toujours impressionnant d’observer la faune sans être vu ! Individual life jackets provided.From wetlands to mature forests, Parc national d’Oka has a variety of habitats ideal for the wildlife typical of Southern Québec. They’re easily accessible and available without advance booking.The Camping Discovery Program is to help you learn all you need so you can camp on your own next time.Explo, the brand-new geolocation-based game will allow your small fry to have fun and move about while discovering Quebec's national parks. This sector is located at 20 to 25 minutes of walk from the beach Certain conditions apply. Effectuez des expériences, découvrez les indices et résolvez le mystère!Quoi de plus amusant qu’une soirée de projection de photos de famille, comme dans « l'bon vieux temps »! Three marked trails await them: L'Écureuil, La Montée and Le Marais. Tentez de remporter notre grand prix!Le ciel étoilé est l’un des spectacles les plus grandioses de la nature. There's no shortage of action at the marsh! Aimed at young people in elementary or high school, these activities will help them get in touch with their environment, make them understand its fragility, and take them through a memorable real-world experience ...Complétez votre journée d'activité au parc national d'Oka par une activité interactive qui saura capter l'attention de votre groupe tout en permettant la manipulation de nombreux objets anciens. Park national d'Oka is not far from Montréal. This winter, access to the cross country skiing trails is free for customers staying at Sépaq is proud to partner with Vélo Québec to establish a Welcome Cyclists campsite network.
Visit Pointe aux Bleuets or La Grande Baie marsh. This board, designed for calm water, is longer, wider and thicker than standard surfboards designed for waves, and therefore more stable. Once you arrive at the stretch of calm water, watch for birds of prey hunting fish or ducks splashing about. Soothing and magnificent... Les disponibilités se sont envolées très rapidement cet été lorsque les campings ont annoncé leur réouverture. To reach La Grande Baie marsh, you'll cross the hickory maple grove and the silver maple swamp, two exceptional and unforgettable forest ecosystems. Vous êtes curieux de découvrir leurs secrets? It’s fast and easy to learn, and it’s guaranteed fun!Pedal boats promise unforgettable family moments and lots of physical activity. Surrounded by abundant vegetation, the camping has 3 services (water, electricity and sewer), 2 services (water and electricity), 1 service (electricity), and semi-serviced that can accommodate tents and recreational vehicles.Period: May to mid-October (depending on the sector, subject to change without notice)Campsites are still available the rest of the year but services vary depending on the season. Ces petits mammifères qui volent sous les radars vivent aujourd’hui un déclin important. For winter use, the Hippocampe wheelchair is fitted with a ski under the front wheel, giving disabled visitors a chance to explore the park with their companions. Découvrez-le et bien plus encore... Une activité vraiment sautée !Rencontrer notre garde-parc au détour d’un sentier, ou au point de vue saisissant devant les fameuses chapelles du Calvaire d’Oka. (parfait pour un couple [...]Le Parc national d'Oka offre une foule d'activités de plein air en toutes saisons à moins de 50 km de Montréal. Au campement amérindien, simulez une chasse à la lance et, autour du feu, façonnez l'argile pour faire votre propre poterie.Depuis la nuit des temps, les chauves-souris peuplent nos histoires nocturnes, mais les connaissons-nous vraiment? The current call volume is causing long waiting times. Invasive insects and diseases can hide inside it. Certain health and safety measures to combat COVID-19 (coronavirus) have been put in place to ensure the health and safety of staff and customers.Park national d'Oka is not far from Montréal. The recent acquisition of two recreational wheelchairs adapted for both water sports in summer and snow trails allows this clientele to get out and enjoy nature. Comment, quand et où peut-on l’observer? Enjoy campsites exclusively for touring cyclists. First come, first served basis.Let yourself glide over the water and discover the lake’s shores in a canoe that seats 2 adults and 1 to 2 children (depending on weight). Ce mammifère opportuniste observe du haut des arbres toutes les occasions de profiter des bonheurs du camping.