Thus you expect the temperatures to be lower than zero. Even if it rains, you can expect the sun to shine right away. If you are a professional who has trekked in snowy conditions, you can do it. Spring and Autumn are the two seasons that give you a pleasurable trek there. Beste Reisezeit für Touren von Lhasa zum Mount Everest Base Camp Die beste Reisezeit für Touren von zum Basislager des Mount Everests ist von Mitte April bis Anfang Juni, sowie von September bis Oktober. Mt. You will get the closest-ever look of the Mt. Matériel et climat pour un trek au camps de base de l'Everest en avril - forum Népal - Besoin d'infos sur Népal ? Besides these, the highest peak in the world, Mt. This is another time besides August when it becomes a perfect time to enjoy EverestThe daytime temperature in March is around 12 degrees. Posez vos questions et parcourez les 3 200 000 messages actuellement en ligne. But, Everest base camp always has the open trail for some refreshing mountain air and wonderful Himalayan Scenario promising the magical experience any time of the year.Want to know more about cost and duration to Everest Base Camp?
on Everest Base Camp Temperature -How cold is Everest Base Camp? Lying just between the summers and harsh winters, this season is the most comfortable in terms of traveling. Temperatures at the summit are never above freezing and during January temperatures can drop as low as -60° C (-76° F). The base camps are rudimentary campsites at the base of Mount Everest that are used by mountain climbers during their ascent and descent; they are also visited by hikers.
The more you climb higher above 3000m from sea level, the more the climate gets colder. Although Trekking in the Himalayas is possible in any season with proper precautions, the winter and summer seasons are the off-seasons for trekking.Follow some precautions to accomplish the trek without any health hazards. Trotz dieser kalten Temperaturen machen strahlender Sonnenschein, sehr geringer Niederschlag und lediglich leichte Winde Besuche der Region auch nun lohnend.Die beste Reisezeit für Touren von zum Basislager des Mount Everests ist von Mitte April bis Anfang Juni, sowie von September bis Oktober. Everest base camps refers generally to two base camps on opposite sides of Mount Everest: South Base Camp is in Nepal at an altitude of 5,364 metres (17,598 ft) (), while North Base Camp is in Tibet at 5,150 metres (16,900 ft) (.
Generally, the temperature in the higher elevation goes to a Nepal is the most renowned traveling and trekking destination in the world due to diverse land topography, beguiling nature, cultural prolificacy, religious tolerance, and architectural supremacy. While trekking in off-seasons, always get adequate information about the trek and always hire the well-qualified guidesNo wonder, tucked at above 29000 ft. from the sea level, the base camp region has cold weather. Especially with the tours that you can take in aircrafts and helicopters, Everest welcomes you always! Kala Patthar is one of the best viewpoints of the Everest region. With lack of moisture in the air, you need to bring sunscreens, lip balms as well as snow and water resistant clothes top to bottom.Winters offer glorious views of the Everest. Mount Everest base camp weather forecast, climate & temperature. Und schließlich ist auch das Touristenaufkommen erheblich geringer. If you want to experience the offseason trek in summer, over the rain shadow treks like Trekking in the Himalayan region always bestows the elegant nature and tranquil surroundings, but due to extremely cold temperatures, the nature looks gloomy, foggy and the trekkers may feel doomed while trekking to EBC. Purent Raï (mon guide) et moi sommes très fiers, car normalement il faut 8 jours de marche depuis Lukla pour y arriver.