‡ Average prices for adult tickets in economy. Lors d'un voyage en bus depuis Bruges vers Paris, la distance est d'environ 269 km.
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'0' +
'0' +
To show you the best bus deals, we collect some information about how you use CheckMyBus. + " " + formatTime(version.activeFrom) §§ this bus stop will move to + " " + formatTime(version.activeFrom) §§ this bus stop will move to
§§ version.zip §§ §§ version.cityname §§ Here are some of the cheapest rides. Login . Yes, we offer multiple trips between Paris and Bruges. + " " + formatTime(version.activeFrom) §§ this bus stop will move to
Do you already know exactly when you plan to go back? A bus fare in Bruges (BE) is 37% more expensive than in Paris. §§ viaStop.station.name §§,
§§ stop.arrival.timestamp + '000' | date :'HH:mm': stop.arrival.tz §§ + " " + formatTime(version.activeFrom) §§ this bus stop will move to
1. 10 ?
Please note that there are 11 bus stops in Paris
You will also find all information about the equipment on board. §§ stop.arrival.timestamp + '000' | date :'HH:mm': stop.arrival.tz §§ As of §§ formatDate(version.activeFrom) The Best Deals Save up to 70%. §§ connection.interconnection_transfers.length §§
The Most Choices Millions of routes worldwide. §§ As of §§ formatDate(version.activeFrom) To show you the best bus deals, we collect some information about how you use CheckMyBus. As of §§ formatDate(version.activeFrom) '0' +
§§ stop.arrival.timestamp + '000' | date : 'HH:mm' : stop.departure.tz §§ 0. For more information, please see
§§ formatTimeFilter(connection.arrival.timestamp, connection.arrival.tz) §§ §§ version.zip §§ §§ version.cityname §§
As of §§ formatDate(version.activeFrom) ,
§§ viaStop.station.name §§ As of §§ formatDate(version.activeFrom) As of §§ formatDate(version.activeFrom) connection.interconnection_transfers[tripIndex-1].duration.hour 10 ?