We make sure all of our kids, medical staff and you remain safe, happy and healthy while at the Foundation.All volunteers that come to the Foundation will then go through a quick orientation to further go over the safety procedures, rules, and shift schedules. He often posts about the “horrible conditions” his cats came from and about how “happy” they are to live with him – and his followers eat it up, calling him an “angel” and praising him profusely for “saving” the animals.
Let me educate you all:1. Mission.
I wouldn’t put that past this group.Hi, I placed some calm and rational comments on the IG page over the last couple of days, pleading with BJWT to at least stop posting videos of human interaction, as this contradicts the #notpets hashtag BJWT throws around. It specializes in developing tools that automate online advertising and digital marketing activities. A fraud if you ask me.This is a great article. Serio, according to Serio, sold his share portfolio to fund his Zoo.
Let us not forget that.I had a very weird feeling about this guy…hence why I started googling about the place and came across this article. Once he pushed that button, Black Jaguar White Tiger was thrust into cyberspace resulting in hundreds of thousands of followers in just a few days. He is first and foremost, a savvy business man. There is a long laundry list of questionable methods and practices at BJWT. Sometimes we found people with bad intentions clearly, but sometimes there is only lack of knowledge regarding the necessary procedures needed to take care animals. As along as somebody criticizes him or hates him, it’s their fault because they’re stupid and are haters. I fear for the safety of these poor cats.I just received the same type of treatment. Celebraties need to stop supporting this hot headed hypocrite, STAT!Agreed….. left my own comment with similar comments about his temper.Not impressed with “Papa Bear” at all. Everyone is asked to work a maximum of 4 hours each day at the Foundation, and can spend the remaining time observing, asking questions, or further learning about our kids.We send monthly newsletters about our rescues, habitats + more! A man with no background, education or science.8. Rescuing Animals born and sold in Mexico from horrible circumstances. That video is a video of a man playing with his pet. But I don’t think he’s only in it for the glory – he genuinely seems to think he’s “saving the world” by “rescuing” every circus cub in Mexico.Sadly, like so many animal hoarders, he can’t see the harm he’s doing. A big cat literally has no need to ever be held by human hands. We are limiting the amount of people to no more than 16 per week.Once you’ve reviewed the Volunteer Experience cost/donation, and meet those requirements we highly suggest reviewing our additional volunteer requirements below before filling out the volunteer application form.These are absolutely necessary for the safety of all living beings at the Foundation. Black Jaguar White Tiger is a newly-founded private “rescue” for big cats, which started about a year or so ago in a wealthy area of Mexico City. He called me an idiot and blocked me. Think about that.9. Unsurprisingly, his cats appear to be breeding like rabbits. I do believe there must be some workers at Black Jaguar White Tiger foundation who truly care for the animals correctly. In essence, Serio is a private pet owner, who “claims” to have “rescued” dozens and dozens of big cat cubs, whom he has then used to induce people to follow his social media sites. We know that many people would love to be a part of the BJWT Volunteer Experience but may not be able to afford this cost/donation fee. 7.5m Followers, 451 Following, 25.2k Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Black Jaguar-White Tiger (@blackjaguarwhitetiger) If you meet all of our requirements, then continue on to fill out our application form.
He is literally actively ADDING to the problem of native big cats, while claiming to solve problems in the wild.11. While he seems to have good Serio appears to “rescue” his animals by buying them from circuses and private zoos, usually as young cubs.
It has, literally, no effect on, or connection to, the protection of existing wild species. There is no legal definition of a “sanctuary” in Mexico.
I mean WOW. “The mothers abandoned them, the mothers can’t nurse them, they are runts, they are inbred and have problems.” This list of make believe reasons is regurgitated numerous times when new cubs appear. But Serio uses the hashtag #protectjaguars and claims that his video of himself playing with his pet somehow promotes “conservation”. The Black Jaguar-White Tiger Foundation. If it wasn’t the case he should have politely addressed the concern and explained why this behavior was present.If he ever comes across this comment, he’ll screenshot it, post it on IG, add a caption he believes is ‘witty’ then pat himself on the back while he gets his army to do the rest. Nada.4. If you all go far enough back in his Instagram feed, you’ll find numerous cubs, newborns still with their umbilical cords attached, accompanied with Serio’s bizarre reasons why he has “rescued” them. Especially, the ones he kicks.
The greatest damage being done to wild animals today is the commodification of conservation.How can anyone be a follower of Eddie Serio when they see him kick a small cat and mock the cat’s worried owner in this video?