Bassin de la Villette in winter from the central footbridge towards the old warehouses with the old L. Le Chatelier, "Note on the rebuilding of the bassin de la Villette and the canal Saint-Denis", in In 1990 the building on the Quai de la Seine side was burned beyond repair.
It has served several functions. Le bassin comprend un fleuve principal, la Vilaine (218 km). 5 0 obj
Their design, execution, and placement were based on the urban plans originally conceived by Later, they gradually lost their original purpose and at the end of the 20th century were transformed into artists' studios and workshops, small offices, and other small enterprises. )��n����i�%�C4.�Z�4����V�C�ʝ�Ӫ��/s���,Ij�94m��2h�6A?��u+�mK�vĈ�F�����}�٘\�U�����J=��_��'��2�R|�����(�z�1p!���u)k�*��{B�ol�*Ӟ�!���np�2�L�P�:h�$��Z�mG.�P�o��Fx4��2^ In summer the banks of the basin are used by fishermen, bowls players, and picnickers. Syndicat Inter du Bassin de la Flume - 11 avenue Brizeux, Pacé, Ille-et-Vilaine, France - Phone Number - Yelp On the Quai de la Seine there are the Sup de Pub and Sup Career schools which are both The bridge in its lowered position with the pedestrian bridge ����z6Dk/�+ �!9vPk�&�6�}�$�>l�k��N�DM�C���ܸ5��n��A��-i!İ����9�v��估��df���:��ٿ�o�6���aiD҃%z�F�:b���O��S�SS+�:(.�_��KP�q���}�c���p���7�[�LW����M�el���:������a�8����T(��;fJ�2��L�8G@O0��٨1�n-�Ѩ�T��`�%UTٚ*�k������V���'��Z���cK/���h�����{�q��|*��K#oh�� ����l
<> endobj The Bassin de la Villette from the central footbridge towards the Rotunda de la Villette endobj There are festive activities on both sides (concerts, mini-shows, exhibitions). Elle donne, avec son affluent l'Ille, son nom au département d'Ille-et-Vilaine dont elle arrose le chef-lieu, Rennes. On summer evenings it is not unusual for the left bank (exposed longer to the sun) to be occupied from one end to the other. Its original function was to serve as a reserve of drinking water for Parisians. Le bassin de la Vilaine s'étend entre 10 500 km 2 [1] et 11 000 km 2 [2], dans l'est et le sud-est de la Bretagne, en France. Its secondary function, in association with the second basin, was to provide water for navigation on the canals of At the beginning of the 19th century the first basin was surrounded by gardens where Parisians came to spend pleasant interludes (walking in summer, skating in winter). La Vilaine a donné son nom aux rochers qui bordent la Pointe de Pen Lan (Billiers, Morbihan).
Il est déconseillé d’utiliser la forme {{Palette Affluents de la Vilaine}}, qui ne permet pas, contrairement au modèle , de séparer correctement la ou les palettes du texte qui précède par de l’espace vide. It was filled with water on 2 December 1808. At the same time tourism-related passengers from the Bassin de la Villette slowly began to increase. 6 0 obj In the same period the Moselle footbridge (13 metres high and a span of 85 metres) was built by Armand Moisant.The second basin measures 30 m wide and 730 m long. EPTB VILAINE Acteur institutionnel sur le bassin versant de la Vilaine, l’Etablissement Public Territorial de Bassin agit pour une gestion durable de l’eau, des rivières et des milieux aquatiques <> Chaine YouTube de l'Etablissement Public Territorial du Bassin de la Vilaine (©EPTB Vilaine). But the industrial era of the 1850s saw the disappearance of this aspect of recreation. The other components of the network are the Canal de l'Ourcq, the Canal Saint-Denis, the Canal Saint-Martin, and the Bassin de l'Arsenal. Ո*lU�������n���`�2�;�����;P�2�٤��nxo������D)&3|0�Ԥ�3����Ol��!#"�4�y���Z�W6�d�6p�X�(���߳���A���o֤�ɏ���j� S�?�1�"�'�{�G�q+�@!� Qn&�@l�5+*�`�+�#r���^uy�Õ���vG�Ql�A&"G��^D>�DTp,� v�����g�T�LW�$��Wg�(p���!t���OG�]�4ᇬO"UU/4���f��ʑ*��̬�^dH�8K��7u�V�7GD���JϹ���T Goods depots were built on the banks. x��Z[�%��,� �p9t��^��Nޢ�%�h�<0y")-��R�����m�eF3�̼����u�ru?9���Q�]|�������� �*��{1j���P�:����'��)�����/@���/�������騁��Q�)��ŏ�o�W��&燷G=�`����� ��˟F3)c�^OnJ�T�i�N[^Ox�k��{�4��t^I1���ä�ON<4�Nb�0��B1�b��%��#�Ŧ��7�4���U��K��N�㤅g%O��� ��0�L^��(%�3�u��j���)�jZW�l|�"; �#4��b��!&X�p�Rrf�1HQ�2AM@u��T��F�ɨH��U�{#�)�e��P��V������\�.2�����Y�6"�gB�7�Omu These warehouses have now been replaced by the MK2 cinema complexes. This basin, which is often prematurely named the At its northern end is the "roundabout of canals" where the Bassin de la Villette converges with the There are two buildings at the end of the Bassin de la Villette that were built between 1845 and 1853 as commercial warehouses, but which had a certain utilitarian beauty.
For security reasons the storehouse on the quai de la Loire side was also closed. stream Every year in June is the festival of the basin.
Located in the 19th arrondissement of the capital, it links the Canal de l'Ourcq to the Canal Saint-Martin, and it represents one of the elements of the Réseau des Canaux Parisiens, a public-works authority operated by the city. Bassin de la Vilaine. 24 0 obj Barges are moored along the banks of the basin throughout the year offering cultural activities such as theatre, cinema, concerts, etc. The Bassin de la Villette is the largest artificial lake in Paris.
They were known as "general merchandise warehouses" and they were first used to store grain and flour. stream In the last half of the same century there was a great deal of industrialization in Paris in the area of the present During the 20th century this freight traffic experienced significant peaks mainly related to construction activity after the world wars. Bassin de la Villette from the central footbridge towards the old warehouses. The celebration ends with a big fireworks display from the bridge. Intensive freight and port activity developed around the canals from the second quarter of the 19th century. Le site, dabord appelé Roche-Vilaine, sest vu doté dun complexe hôtelier, imaginé par lindustriel Henri Dresch.