They are truly magnificent insects. Originating from Asia, these moths have the biggest wing surface area of any known insect and are also among those with the largest wingspan. All dried specimen are shipped with a special packaging, which ensure their safe arrival.

Below you can find some useful links and picture, aswell as make use of the Search function. REAL SATURN MOTH ATTACUS ATLAS MALE SATURNIIDAE INDONESIA UNMOUNTED WINGS CLOSED. With a bit of patience and care they are worth the effort!The cocoons are so though that they are almost untearable ! à gauche: mâle: antenne large, et un seul orifice (génital) sur le 9e segment (à voir sur agrandissement) à droite: femelle: antenne nettement moins large, et 2 orifices contigus (l'un de ponte sur le 9e segment, et l'autre génital sur le 8e), à voir sur agrandissement.

On l’appelle Cobra parce que le bout pendant de ses ailes antérieures fait penser à la tête d’un serpent, vue de profil. La ponte se fait peu de temps après l'accouplement . ' MOTH REAL MOTH GIANT ATTACUS ATLAS MALE REAL FRAMED BUTTERFLIES SNAKEHEAD MOTH 158 Giant male real moth with the apperance of snakes heads on the wing tips. An Atlas Moth would eat them for breakfast … if it had a mouth.

La femelle est semblables à celle de l' Attacus Lorquini en plus grande et plus colorée ; le mâle est d'un marron trés foncé. Giant male  moth has the appearance of snakes heads on the wing tips. (Apple), Ailanthus sp. This is a really large showy piece and one of the largest moths in the world.

Males are generally much smaller and more slender. Ouverture saison 2020 . (tree of heaven), Salix sp. Livraison à domicile rapide. Le jardin des découvertes est une ferme d’élevage et un centre d’observation où vivent en liberté autour des visiteurs des centaines de papillons exotiques, véritables joyaux de la nature. Les deux sexes possèdent sur chacune de leurs quatre ailes une fenêtre transparente, dépourvue d’écaille.Cette espèce se rencontre de l’Inde à la Malaisie en passant par la Chine et l’Indonésie .A leur naissance les chenilles ne mesurent que 4 millimètres, elles finissent par atteindre une taille de 8 à 10 centimètres et sont dotées d’un appétit insatiable. #90322636 - Isolated tranfsformation from caterpillar to butterfly of male.. Do not handle the moths too much before the night you need them to pair. Paiement sécurisé. Pictures can be enlarged by clicking on them. When emerging, the moth dissolves part of the silk casing by secreting an enzyme that burns a hole into the cocoon. Notre Catalogue. These moths emerge quite sporadically, which adds a significant luck factor to getting both a male and a female out to pair them, for the moths are short-lived.

They also show different behaviour.Females are quite passive and prefer sit still, waiting for the males while spreading pheromones (“calling”).

These transparent frames are theorised to break up the moths shadow by letting light through, as such a large moth tends to cast a very recognizable silhoutte. Unsuprisingly they are also one of… They can be found on many Saturniidae of the Attacini tribe however.Also very curious are the large caterpillars that are covered with a white and waxy powder. Similar Images . L'Attacus Atlas fait parti de la famille des Attacidae (Saturnidae).. Il est le deuxième plus grand papillon au monde , après Argema mittrei, et il peut atteindre 28 voir 30 cm d'envergure. The Atlas moth is an exception.Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:Welcome to my website. Pairing may be archieved naturally or via handpairing. The dry specimen/s sold in our ad correspond solely to the specimen/s shown in picture. Le latin et les noms communs sont imprimés sous le spécimen. Similar Images .

Giant male moth has the appearance of snakes heads on the wing tips.
Bali Butterfly Park Pen Holder Clear Acrylic Encased Specimen Bluebottle The Jay.

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