The overall ninth feature film produced by the company WALL-E, crushed and severely damaged, rolls out of the holo-detector, and EVE desperately tries to wake him up, to no avail, as the Axiom makes its hyper-jump to Earth. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Temperamental (formerly), destructive (formerly), dedicated, loyal, sweet, kind, concerned, brave, caring, romantic (end of film)To find a living plant on Earth and deliver it to the CaptainInterferences, WALL-E causing trouble, any harm to Saves WALL-E and begins the restoration of Earth with the humansTake your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. WALL-E shows her the plant and persuades her to fulfill her directive, but EVE has changed her directive to being with him. After being reactivated, she discovers, to her surprise, that WALL-E had followed her back to the Axiom and tries to hide him. However, AUTO retaliates by having GO-4 restrain EVE while shocking WALL-E, deactivating EVE again, and sending both robots and the plant down the trash chute. Directed by Andrew Stanton. His answer was it was not; it was a way to answer the question of how would the Earth get to the state where one robot would be left to continue the cleanup by itself. It was directed and co-written by Andrew Stanton, produced by Jim Morris, and co-written by Jim Reardon. EVE functions as a biological terrestrial probe. After being reactivated, EVE finds herself in the ship's garbage disposal chamber and calls out for WALL-E, but she is then confronted by WALL-As (larger counterparts to WALL-E), who scoop up tons of garbage, along with EVE, and compress them into cubes. She flies through the garbage chamber, looking for circuit boards, and returns with some, but WALL-E responds that none of the boards that EVE has found will work.
The rejects then lift WALL-E up, him still holding onto EVE's arm, as they leave the Repair Ward, with EVE, shocked at what has just happened and wanting her arm back, following after them. The defects are confronted by Stewards, who have been alerted to the rejects breaking free.
After the Axiom returns to earth, she rushes WALL-E back to his trailer and repairs him, giving him new wheels, new binocular eyes, and a new chip. After WALL-E saves EVE from a dust storm, he takes her to his trailer and shows her all the treasures that he has collected over the years, including the plant that he found. 52:01–52:09.Deleted scenes with introductions by Andrew Stanton, 2008 DVD, Walt Disney Studios Home EntertainmentDVD. After the Captain and AUTO argue, AUTO calls for GO-4, who snatches the plant away. Inside the Diagnostics Room, EVE is being gently taken care of, but WALL-E, who only can make out EVE's silhouette through the glass doors, mistakenly believes that she is being tortured from seeing her arm being detached and her being "beheaded."
The weapon is presumably used for defensive use or demolition of obstacles in her way. EVE then examines the extent of WALL-E's damage, discovering that his motherboard has been damaged beyond repair. When all her efforts fail, she becomes heartbroken that her lover is gone forever.
EVE puts WALL-E down as she searches around the Lido Deck for the plant, but it gets lost in a crowd of people who have tumbled to a side of the deck. She then sternly orders WALL-E to go into the pod. As an homage to Originally, EVE would have been electrocuted by Auto, and then be quickly saved from ejection at the hands of the WALL-A robots by WALL-E. After EVE returns to the Captain, she hands over the plant to him, who then asks her what the Earth's current condition is. Arriving at the Lido Deck, EVE and WALL-E rush toward the holo-detector (activated by the Captain), but AUTO, seeing them, tilts the Axiom, causing WALL-E to sideswipe the holo-detector and drop the plant. Heartbroken, EVE gives WALL-E a farewell kiss, which sparks his memory and restores his original personality.