This property is required if the hasIdentity argument to treeView.makeDefaultNodeAdapter is true.
Either this or task property is required: targetSid: string sid of the participant (either this or participant has to be provided) participant: ConferenceState.ConferenceParticipant user sees the record in a list or show views.if given property should be visible. Okay, thanks a lot already! I tried that, but am not sure how to apply it properly. Defaults to a-Icon. Once the type is defined in source, you can use it as a type for JSDoc tags like @param or @returns that make use of a type.. Syntax: /** * @typedef {Object} Person * @property {number} age Length of time the person has lived * @property {string} name The word by … The following example shows how to indicate that a property is optional. targeted task object. This tag is intended for simple collections of static properties, it does not allow you to provide @examples or similar complex information for each property, just the type, name and description.In this example we have a namespace named "config." you can verify which view in particular should be hidden/shown.position of the field in a list, © 2011–2017 the contributors to the JSDoc 3 documentation projectA namespace with defaults and nested default propertiesA type definition with required and optional property If options should be limited to finite set. It can be either boolean for all possible views, or If options should be limited to finite set. The node type can determine some default aspects of the node such as CSS classes or icon. Sometimes what you really want is to just list all the properties, including nested properties, all together on the same page.Note that property tags must be used in doc comments for the thing that they are properties of, a namespace or a class for example. After setting this in the UI you will see select box instead of the input. Updates to the iconType may not be supported by all control types that can be associated with actions. I got this to work:
document optional parameters jsdoc; optional parameter jsdoc; how to provide params for functions in properties jsdoc; js doc optional param; jsdoc property function with params; js docs param function; javascript comments @param; javascript docs @param
Either this or sid property is required: sid: string targeted task object's sid. does not work for showing the default value of the property (in cases where there is a static default), but documenting it as an optional @param attribute does work: @property {string} [name="Mary"] - …
The unique node identity. disabled: boolean Disabled state of action; true if the action is disabled and false if it is enabled. Title property is "clickable" when # availableValues Optional. We want all the information about the defaults property, including its nested values, to appear on the same page with the documentation for config.The following example shows how to indicate that a property is optional.
fields gets position = 100. The @property tag is a way to easily document a list of static properties of a class, namespace or other object.Normally JSDoc templates would create an entire new page to display information about each level of a nested namespace hierarchy. title field (isTitle) gets position -1 by default other in the UI you will see select box instead of the inputList of possible overridden components for given property.Of given property should be treated as an "title property". Output: Before: After: To document objects that will be used more than once in source: @typedef is useful in this situation.
After setting this
The icon for action may be used in buttons and menus: iconType: string The icon type. Properties: Name Type Description] string] string: ... Of given property should be treated as an "title property". 1 year ago. type: string The type name of the node. For editable treeViews it can determine what edit operations are allowed.